if i find this on older leaves with no bugs in site and no spread over time... i just assume it's not a bug. i see a few marks on a few leaves a few weeks ago that looked like this... no spread, no bugs, no webs... clearly not an infestation. So at least one other thing can cause those shiny spots. or maybe somethign that passed along and did not like what was for dinner (marijuana leaf).
do you use foliar sprays? some things are a bit oily and could leave spots.
can't be 100% certain, but does not look like wpm... it doesn't progress like that. it generally doesn't start as several colonies on a leaf... at least not until one has been there for 10-20 days and producing spores. it's there before we can see it for sure, but it'll present is a circulr white fuzzy appearance. a magnifying glass will show something unnatural and impossible to confuse with trichomes when u see it.