That's tough to say but since you tell us the strain is "under development" it would seem to suggest that they haven't gotten it down quite yet and you probably DO have two photos and an auto - the one plant is REALLY in flower and looking good!
Flipping to 12/12 would help to determine if that's so BUT the auto is not going to perform well under 12/12 so if you have another way of doing that - another tent perhaps? - that would be the best scenario. Do you have a warm closet you could stick those two in for their 12 hour period of darkness? As long as the temperature difference isn't TOO great (more than 10 degrees difference might be problematic), it would at least answer the question... And then, if they show themselves to be photos, you'd probably have to make a choice as to what you're going to grow - the auto or the photos... that is, if you don't have two tents and two lights...
Good luck!