
Feeding autos

Natronastarted grow question 2 years ago
When should I start using neuts? using Fox Farm Ocean soil and fox big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom. Plants are 10-12 days old.
Week 2
Feeding. Schedule
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
With the soil you're growing in, you won't need to add nutes for another week or so - and then only about 1/4 strength (be careful of the Grow Big - I always had difficulty with that one when I used FoxFarm... in fact, in the soil you're growing in, I wouldn't ever give your plants more than 1/4 strength of it!). Autos don't need/don't want nutes for the first bits of their lives and since you've already got nutes in your soil, just be extra careful when you DO start to use them that they're going to be tolerated. If this was my grow, in about a week, I would do 1/4 strength of both Grow Big and Big Bloom since she could start to go into pre-flower right about then.... and even if she doesn't, adding the bloom nutes does no harm. If she DOES go into pre-flower then, keep the Grow Big at 1/4 strength, don't ever increase it.... I can't tell you how many nitrogen toxicities I had to deal with using that stuff! :-D One more bit of advice... start watering her in a wider circle... you want the roots to really reach out to find the water and they'll stop if they encounter dry soil - but the more roots, the bigger/stronger the plant so encourage them to grow! Good luck! She's looking really good so far!
Selected By The Grower
GrowCNanswered grow question 2 years ago
Fox Farm Ocean Forest contains a good amount of nutrients. You may be able to grow for a month or more before needing to add nutrients. Just keep an eye on your plant. It will tell you when it needs something.
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