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Bloom defol. How much and where??

ironf1ststarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi guys, as you can see, bloom has cometh! I have defoliated the lower parts of the plants, now I'm wondering how much more to take off?? I cant tell where the ideal spot of keeping leaves is. I am taking off inner fan leaves as much as I can, but am wondering, how much is safe.
Buds. Other
Leaves. Too many
Techniques. Defoliation
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
i'd avoid overlapping leaves... this causes standing water and a foothold for pathogens. leave as much as possible... leaves power growth. no way aound that. less = less energy abosrbed... removing shielded leaves is less of a negative than removing leaves at top. some penetration might be good (no certainty here with little to now research involving suitalbe sample and comparing to a control). But, remembe inverse square law means distance from light significantly impacts intensity and quickly... 2x the distance = 1/4th the intensity. You lights and envionment will be a factor too... this will impact how deep you canopy will grow good bud... experience from previous grows helps pick out a horizontal line where you want growth and to remove anything below (unless heavily into extracts and edibles, this larfy shit at bottom isn't too useful.. if you have a use, there's a reason to keep it -- oveall yield will be beter but with larger proportion of larf ... a lot of these things come down to personal preference too) some LST might help too, but becareful with woody stems.. they will snap. but, spread out plant a bit if you can... bending may not be enough. some bamboo sticks or similar can be used to spead things out and avoid the natual tendency of plant to gow back in shape it was before (toward light). So, just make sue air flows through the plant well and don't decimate you canopy... shouldn't have a bunch of light hitting the floor, for example.. that's wasted light.
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Selected By The Grower
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
Take almost all of the shade leaves off during week three of flower. Look up GrandMasterLevel on YouTube and check out his video updates for his commercial grows. You'll learn a lot from one of the top growers in Canada and North America.
ironf1stanswered grow question 2 years ago
Also sorry for the similar questions, but this defoliating stuff seems to be my biggest issue, I have dialed in anything else, from nutes to PH of the soil. These mistakes Wont happen again, but since this defoliating thing is not purely based off math, but rather feeling, I am trying to get the best "feel" for the sweetspot, I'm sure your trained eyes will see more than me, even though everyone is doing it a bit different from the next person. Have nice grows!
ironf1stanswered grow question 2 years ago
First 4 photos are of the same plant, the other 2 are the underside of the other 2 plants respectively. Also what am I supposed to do with the small leaves forming on the budsites on the lower part, of the inner plant?? Just snip it all off?
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