The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

yellow leafs

sickretstarted grow question 2 years ago
weeks 4 of 12/12, leafs turned yellow. now im flush my plants with tap water. in: 7l 300ppm ph6.7 out: 500ml 200ppm ph6.8 does that mean its not an N overdose? thank you all! sorry, but i dont know how to leave comments on your answers:/
Week 11
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Hungry for nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous............under fed in general.
Sup3rNov4answered grow question 2 years ago
they are eating the nitrogen from the leaves
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hola !!! Tu planta tiene un bloqueo de nutrientes. Esas hojas amarillas y quemadas es por toxicidad.coinsido con growinggrannie que debes lavar tus raices con 3 veses mas mas de aguadel volumen de tu maseta.lee la respuesta de growinggarnnie le dio en el blanco. Suerte
SavannaEmerieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Finally I made £392/hr. It’s time to take some action and you can join it too.It is a simple, qf150 dedicated and easy way to get rich. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today.Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site. GOOD LUCK… w­w­w.j­o­b­s­r­e­v­e­n­u­e.c­o­m
Whiteybulger1814answered grow question 2 years ago
Oh and clear all the yellow leaves and dead leaves off to keep pests away, the cleaner the area the better, and make sure you're humidity is in check around 50% RH and keep you're temps on the lower side to coincide with VPD...Good luck
Whiteybulger1814answered grow question 2 years ago
Flowering56 - 63 days for Bubba kush, I went and read the bio of the strain yoi selected as everyone should do and here is my diagnosis, they're fine, we'll do a little math if you're on the 4th week which we'll call halfway to finish you're plants are naturally fading out and using up the stored energy in the leaves and turning them over to their fall colors and this is normal for a plant that has between 26 and 33 days left which in essence means you are 14 days away to 21 days away from flushing which means you won't be feeding in 2 weeks time anyway, so you're plants are naturally fading out keep feeding your normal routine until your want to flush and cut the nuts and flush away and you'll be fine...
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Forgot to say one thing - calmag is NOT just used for RO water.. and in fact isn't very useful to re-mineralize RO water in any event. Calmag is used any time, in any kind of grow (soil, soiless, hydroponic) when there is a deficiency of either calcium or magnesium for whatever reason ... you need to first be able to figure out why you have those deficiencies and fix that before adding some calmag to your nutes... From my experience, all plants need extra dose of calmag as they go into flower... so this has become a routine of mine whether or not I've got a deficiency.... just healthy growing.
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
You've got a phosphorus deficiency and most likely a potassium deficiency as well here... When you say you flushed your plants, I don't think you actually did - it sounds like you just gave it a good drink of water so that you had some runoff?? Flushing means to run 3x the pot volume of pH'd water through each pot... since you're growing in 15L pots, that means running 45L through each one... this gets rid of built up nutes and salts that are most likely locking out the phosphorus and potassium. At the end of your flush, give your plants 1/2 strength dose of the nutes you've been giving her... add a tsp of calmag (it's just another liquid nutrient that you should definitely have on hand). Then let her dry out completely before resuming your water/feed/water/feed routine. While you're out getting some calmag, get a PK booster as well... because these ladies desperately need more of both P and K ... a good NPK to look for would be something like 2-45-28... Now, this questions page does not act like a chat room, unfortunately... if you respond or add a comment, no one will know even if you tag them. In order to talk directly to another grower, there's a small paper airplane in the bottom right hand corner of this and every page... click on it, search for the grower you want to talk to and you can send them a message. If that little airplane is ever green for you, that means someone has sent you a message ... Good luck!
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Your plants are not hungry due to been underfed. You are using and all in 1. Sens pro mix is one of the most filled nutrients you can get Whats happening is you are locked out. And your plants got burnt to before hand (clear to see on the end) and then it just locked itself out. Drop all your other stuff. Mes AN they'll tell you. You do not need anything to add to that stuff. And if you do want to give. You'll have to start her on her pro bloom for a few r so. Feed until she's eaten all in her pot. Which usually is about a week when using soil and the pro stuff. Then apply your other products, if you must pal. But again. You'll find you'll get much better results just using the pro with some good soil. Flush your girl. 3x, the value of your pot So 3L pot you'd need to flush with 9L. Let her dry out for a few days. Add some calmag it'll help. Withim days you'll see your leafs wanting NPK (which they are not) so locked out. They do need calmag but again. There's enough mag in the pro mix. If you need further details feel free to DM me. I've talked to the rep from AN.. I'm waiting for samples. And I will not need anything else. Maybe some cal but mag shouldn't be an issue with those 2 pro Grow&bloom nutrients. The senzyne will be fine. You can keep tat. B52 is used to give with grow and bloom ANs soil + coco line. Not needed with the pro stuff pal. Good luck
MiyaguiOkPolillaanswered grow question 2 years ago
Podrías aplicar un poco de caldo de vegetación para aumentar de manera reducida el N. Parece ser alguna deficiencia y tal vez el cambio de período aceleró el stress por falta de nutrientes. Intentaría probar con una solución 3-6-7 para probar. De todas formas se ve una planta saludable y sus nuevas hojas son saludables. Podría ser una retroalimentación debido al cambio horario en la luz también. Saludos!
sickretanswered grow question 2 years ago
and i think CalMag used only for RO water, not a tap?
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sickretanswered grow question 2 years ago
@zookeeper i havent use CalMag before. im mixing AN sensi bloom and other stimulants like big bud and b52, last time my solution have a 1100ppm and 6.7ph
ZooKeeperanswered grow question 2 years ago
Your plants are starving. Up the bloom nutrients you have a major potassium deficiency. Give them some extra Cal-Mag next feeding.
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