Those of you that hang entire plants to dry… if you weigh the entire plant wet, what percentage loss in weight are you looking for before you buck the nugs and start curing?
I hang the full plant to dry, but I never weigh the full plant wet, but to give you an answer it would lose 90-95% depending on the plant. I've done it before where I weighed the plant wet and was just devastated when I then trimmed it all of the stem and compared the 2.
Usually 75% loss to air drying/curing and 85% to water curing...
100 grams fresh cut, hang dry and jar 25 grams, Same 100 grams fresh cut and water cured then dried approx 15 grams
I never weigh it up intill it's dry and cut its lots loss I did it once and 12oz wet 3oz dry so I will not weigh it now until its. Trimed and dry happy growing