Assuming you’re using soil and mineral nutrients. Do you measure ppm (EC) of the solution? Most likely it’s a little nute burn, but it’s hard to tell by one pic and a small piece of information. Are you sure brown tips didn’t appear before the last feeding? If not, just be careful with heavy doses of nutrients. When you feed every other watering or every 3rd watering etc., you risk to get salt build up and nute burn when the soil dries up after applying nutrients, because in such case you have to compensate the lack of feeding during only watering phases. Then you give just water, the plant feels better, but the damage is given. Feeding less doses but more frequently is a bit more failsafe if you don’t exceed the limits of your plant. Just need more info from you. Is it soil? Do you water until runoff? What is ppm (EC) and pH of the solution/runoff. The difference can tell if you overfeed or underfeed the plant.