2 week old white widow auto has Rusty spots on leaves although otherwise seems to be growing ok. I can’t find a matching diagnosis form image search. Any ideas?
I suspect I’ve used crappy compost.
Hey all - thanks for responses. Nope I didn’t spray anything. At first I thought I maybe dropped water on the leaves and they got scorched by the lights. But then the bad leaves kept spreading :-(
I’m hoping the plant will overcome the issue as it grows, but am seriously considering repotting it to new soil to try and save the grow at this stage.
Lesson learned not to use crappy big box store compost
Hey dude, i think your soil have a all nutrients for starting to grow for 3-4 weeks, yea u have a bad compost or just u put it too much. use a water for drainage, 2-3 times for this week and clean your soil. Dont use a water/nutrients for leaves.
Buenas ✌️🏼 creo que es un hongo llamado septoria en su caso septoriosis... utiliza algun fungicida via foliar y tambien radicular le ayudara, si eliminas las hojas mas enfermas le vendra bien!! Saludos y buenos humazos 😉🥦