TrayyMoeanswered grow question 2 years ago The Seedling stage (1-14 days ) is the first 2 weeks of a seeds life. This stage is kinda easy-going but important for further healthy plant growth. During this time, Its best to only focus only keeping your seedling's grow medium moist with proper PH water (soil ) or PH water + low dose of cal-mag (if growing in a inert medium) & your humidity in your grow space at around 60-70%. the seed itself has all its proper nutrient needs stored inside until veg
Vegatative stage starts usually around day 14 when your seedling's roots have strengthened and typically has grown its 3rd to 4th nodes and is now looking for food.
begin using half the recommended dosage from your nutrients guide. This stage is a great time to shape and beef up your plants and define its outcom .for the best results, make sure your lighting height is appropriate and humidity at around 55-60% and Remember you are what u eat lol. best of luck on your journey as well