
What is this?

MattyGrowsstarted grow question 8 months ago
So this is some durban poison that I grew, great genetics, grew 3 of these and the bud turned out great... for the most part. I found this while trimming up some of the last plant. This is the main cola, this is the only spot I found this. looks like cotton.
Other. Harvest - Drying
OGTakesmeplacesanswered grow question 8 months ago
Your flowers are beautiful, and this is absolutely heartbreaking to see, dude. This is a really tough lesson and you're gonna have to toss all the "cotton candy" and make a few environmental adjustments moving forward. Your grow appears tip-top! Focus on regulating the relative humidity in your space, providing adequate ventilation/circulation throughout the branch scaffolding. Don't hesitate to remove additional foliage to improve your air circulation. I would rather attain a slightly diminished harvest than risk the loss of a main cola! I'm here to assist! Feel free to DM me if I can help in any way. Cheers and happy growing, dude!
Selected By The Grower
m0useanswered grow question 8 months ago
Mold bud rot! toss it.
Kevin_grows_hardanswered grow question 8 months ago
DO NOT SMOKE! this is what they call powdery mildew but its more like a kind of mold from the grow area being too moist! youve been warned! dont do it to your lungs!
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Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 8 months ago
i should add.. i have had to smokesuch thing -- not the parts with visible rot, of course... but i treid to salveage some before and it never tastes good. could be psychosomatic, but ... meh...
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Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 8 months ago
definitely inspect further... immediately separate anything that has it on it... This stuff starts underneath and if you can see it in the top layers it'd riddled with it... even when checking for it, i'd do it in a separate areas to reduce how many spores you release... don't pull a bud apart directly over your bin of buds type concern. pry it open, and a bunch of spores fall out, lol. be liberal in cutting around or salvaging anything... not worth your health. if you sel that type of shit to people you are worse than a piece of shit. i'm not assuming, just saying.. a lot of people "wash" this sort of thing and think or lie tothemselves that it fixes the problem.. that stuff is ruined. no ifs or buts... the parts it hasn't grown on are still sketchy af. i would never pay a dime for weed that was next to or in same room as other weed that rotted. guaranteed spores all over it.
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 8 months ago
Botrytis/ bud rot
ZweetZkittlezanswered grow question 8 months ago
Hola Matty! eso es un hongo que se genera por humedad alta y demasiado calor. Se llama botrytis. No te recomiendo que fumes eso, es perjudicial para la salud. Lamentablemente deberias tirarlo =( Para la próxima, hay que tratar de prevenir usando tricordermas y evitando la humedad alta y el calor con algo de ventilación. Saludos, espero te sirva el comentario.
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ZooKeeperanswered grow question 8 months ago
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