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MoMaximumstarted grow question a year ago
Was kann ich gegen Spinnmilben in der Blütephase tun? (Outdoor) bin in der 3. Blütewoche, spüle die Pflanze schon ab aber suche nach einer schnellen endgültigen Lösung
Buds. Other
Other. Bugs
Setup. Outdoor
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question a year ago
At this stage of the growth against spider mites you can use Rosemary essential oil in the water. Or you can get the 209 Systemic Pest Control form Sierra Natural Science which is based on rosemaric acids from the rosemary plant. It’s a systemic natural defense, it will kill all pests and bugs without altering the quality of your flowers and safe to smoke.
meison710answered grow question a year ago
yo en exterior echo preventivos i e probado varias cosas i lo ke mejor me va de momento es neem+jabon potasico cada 15 diasdespues spruzit o solabiol+espider killer(extracto de canela puro) o sino spidermite smc se llamapuedes combinarlo solabiol i espruzit es un tipo i los otros es araña solo bueno esto cada 7 dias lo echo i el spruzit solo se puede echar asta 3 semanas antes pone pero yo no apuraria tanto i dicofenazol para el oidio un par de veces o tres en todo el cultivo i eso solo lo echo con eso sobrado los trips i eso se van rapido con el spruzit solo pero ya te digo yo asi 0 prolema i el año pasado le eche brotipot i fue bien ya ke este año no e echado y a salido alguna con brotitis pero bueno eso es lo ke yo ago i probaria con spruzit + smc por ejemplo o spruzit+spider killer o lo mismo pero solabiol en vez de spruzit😎
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
I 2nd pyrethrins. Or beneficial predator mites, can order them online but they are not always cheep and you can use other pesticides when using them or it kills em. Good Luck!
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
That early, you can use pyrethrins. they have a 12 hour half-life. but, nothing is 100% certain to be safe in flower. even if it says 'safe for veges 2 weeks before harvest" because inahaling is different than eating. this stuff kills on contact. if you want 2 weeks, it's .5^28 *100 = X% remaining after 14 days. it's some .000000 %. That doesn't gauarantee safety as toxicity of any 1 molecules is different than another... sometimes 1part per billion is dangerous or even less concentrated. nothing is "safe" in flower, technically. Teh best bet is something with a short half-life and non-systemic. The last pert just means it doesn't easily enter and stay in the plant - plants have no excretion so once it is in there, it's staying there until it biodegrades (hence, uses of half-life). pot growers used to be big on Eagle20 fungicide.. it's systemic and theose people did damage to anyone they sold their nasty weed to. all for the sake of greater profits and less lost to fungi.
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Storkanswered grow question a year ago
Water wash the leaves and hand vacuum suck 💪🍻
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CannaIGrowanswered grow question a year ago
Azamax, Essentria IC3 (organic), spraying them off with a water hose. Just gonna depend on what route you wanna go.
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