That's almost definitely a Cal-Mag deficiency. Increase pH to betweeb 6.3 and 6.5, as this is the ideal range for Cal-Mag bioavailability. Wait a week or two and watch for improvement.
Your leaves won't return to their prior coloration but New growth should appear normally colored.
PH out of wack agreed but also don't water daily. water only when its needed.
watering daily will cause medium to be to wet and grow some nasty things that will throw off the PH even more.
Molds/fungi or bacteria mainly.
Definitely No defiency
More the opposite.
Unbalanced grow
To much nutes to dry and maybe Close light.
But as Iam having No diary
ITS Just a Güssing.
But No Güssing IS that ITS No defiency
Ph 6.0 for soil too low.
6.5 , no feed, just plain dechlorinated ( evaporated ) water when needed for 2 weeks.
Those leaves wont recover, but new grow should be better.
Inert means there is no real nutritional value so you need to supply all nutrition. Looks like a mixture of calcium and magnesium deficiency. That, or your soil ph is out of range.