DWCHCanswered grow question 5 years ago Yeah agreed, my plants curl down when I overfeed and the resulting pH drops too far,. I'd use 12 the nutes you're giving them for a week or so and try to flush out the excess N and other salts building up now, before they get too big, balancing pH all the while, then resume the normal feeding, bringing the nutes back up slowly increasing the amount over time, to get a sense of how it react in the soil (ppm/ec,pH) and most of all. Watch he plants, they will let you know when they're happy...
So advice to get started, sativas come from tropical regions, with high competition for light and nutrients.. this is why they stretch so much and have fewer leaves, also why they require less nutes to be happy...also why they have a longer flowering time.
Indicas come from mountainous regions like Afghanistan and Pakistan.. short cool dry summers
Very cold winter's.. they need more leaves to get the job done in a shorter season, they also need more nutes as well, because of the season, they're usually shorter, bushier, and finish earlier.
pH of both types is roughly the same, although certain genotype and phenotypes will express varying demands..generally they're the same and stage of growth determined..