
Leaves dying

Baccouchestarted grow question 7 months ago
I don’t why new leaves some growing yellow and other leaves are dying, this happening in the 3 plants
Leaves. Other
THCcuriousanswered grow question 7 months ago
plant looks healthy! just remove dead leaves at bottom of plant. nothing to worry about.
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BigB_OGanswered grow question 7 months ago
all ok, just pinch them off you don´t need them they are not getting any light or probaly no enough air too. Nothing to worry about if the top leafs are nice and green.
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Stickyoneanswered grow question 7 months ago
Yellowing leaves and overall plant decline can be caused by various factors, and diagnosing the issue requires some information about the growing conditions and the specific symptoms observed. Here are some common reasons for yellowing leaves and plant distress: Nutrient Deficiencies: Yellowing can be a sign of nutrient deficiencies, such as nitrogen, iron, or magnesium. Each nutrient deficiency exhibits specific symptoms, so it's essential to identify the pattern of yellowing and any accompanying symptoms. Overwatering or Underwatering: Both overwatering and underwatering can lead to stress and yellowing of leaves. Check the moisture levels in the soil or growing medium. Make sure the plants are receiving an appropriate amount of water for their stage of growth. pH Imbalance: Incorrect pH levels in the soil or nutrient solution can affect nutrient uptake, leading to deficiencies. Cannabis plants generally prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range. Measure and adjust the pH if it's outside the optimal range. Root Issues: Problems with the roots, such as root rot or poor aeration, can lead to yellowing leaves. Inspect the roots for signs of rot, discoloration, or a foul smell. Lighting Issues: Inadequate or excessive light can stress plants. Ensure that the light intensity, duration, and spectrum are suitable for the specific stage of growth. Pests and Diseases: Insects and diseases can damage plant tissues, causing yellowing and other symptoms. Inspect the plants for pests and signs of diseases, such as spots, lesions, or unusual growths. Environmental Stress: Drastic changes in temperature, humidity, or other environmental factors can stress plants. Ensure that the growing conditions are stable and suitable for cannabis cultivation. Nutrient Burn: Overfeeding with nutrients can result in nutrient burn, where the tips or edges of the leaves turn brown and die. Check the nutrient concentration and adjust if necessary. To address the issue: Examine Each Factor: Evaluate each potential factor mentioned above to identify the specific cause of the yellowing and leaf death. Isolate Plants: If the issue is affecting all three plants, consider isolating them to prevent the potential spread of pests or diseases. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor the plants and make adjustments as needed. This might include modifying nutrient levels, adjusting watering practices, or addressing any environmental issues. If you can provide more details about the symptoms, growing conditions, and any recent changes in the environment or care routine, I can offer more targeted advice. Additionally, sharing pictures of the affected plants can be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 7 months ago
Well, kinda "self-lollipopping". I don't known the name for that sorry, but it's just the plants getting bigger and gets rid of underdeveloped shoots. You can cut the very little branches and leaves under the other branches to help them. :3
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