
Strive Nutrients Opinions, Experiences?

AutoflowersSucKstarted grow question 7 months ago
I'm curious about this product. Personally i think it's just another hyped bullshit product. But what if it's not?
Other. Other
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 7 months ago
@Team_Ballsfor You are incorrect Is all nitrogen the same? Nitrogen in water-soluble fertilizers can exist in different forms: nitrate, ammoniacal nitrogen and urea. Each form of nitrogen has different characteristics that affect how it reacts in the substrate and how plants uptake and assimilate it.
Team_Ballsforanswered grow question 7 months ago
LOL nutrient friction.. definitely some retarded bullshit. there's no magic product out there... when they promise magic, it is a lie.
Team_Ballsforanswered grow question 7 months ago
ingredients to fertilizers are ubiquitous.. they are commodities. this means, except for esoteric non-specific organic products with widely varying contents, there are no higher or lower tier quality ingredients. Magnesium Sulfate is always magnesium sulfate. the atomic structure does not change if the product costs more or has a neat-o cartoon graphic resembling some sugary cereal marketing :P "A rose is a rose..." the same factors that go into robost growth relative to genetics apply to any fertilizer used... so if it is overpriced... definitelry bullshit. if they have 20 products when you only need 2 or 3 to safely mix things up and avoid precipitates etc, then it is definitely bullshit. predatory business practices aimed at rubes. it is incredibly effective especially with any hobbyist crowd. proper ratios and concentration of fertlizers, pH, temperatures, RH%, co2 levels dictate growth rate. Genetics dictates potential -- your ceiling. not brand names... Soil is more complicated but still has to average out in similar ways in regard to fertilizer that enters the plant over 4 months. it just has other steps inbetween application and plant-available for some stuff, like N. if you accounted for all those differences, youd finde that the amoutn of fertilizer taking in correlates to same growth, but probably more time to get there. (law of conservation of mass.. the fertilizer is the "ibeams and bolts" for cellular reproduction and other various processes that maintain the plant - can't rely on spontaneous manifestation as pastuer proved with his experiements)
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 7 months ago
By nutrient friction i think they are referring to cat ion exchange. But i was just wondering if anyone has used this stuff. See in Canada weed is legal across the board, and it's ruined the under ground market to the point where no one can turn a buck. A pound of top tier weed and i mean it has to be TOP Tier stuff will net you 1300 if your lucky. Pounds on average go for 800. So there's no money in it for anyone. Not even legitimate licensed businesses. The Liberal Govt. here and botched it so bad that people entire fortunes have been lost due to over licensing and allowing home growing and a absolutely saturated market. So guys like me and many other little mom and pop people that used to make a nice income supplement only lose money doing it now. So the intermediate size growers that made a ton of cash back in the day, took their earnings and moved into legitimate businesses like Nutrients, Grow Cabinets, and things of that nature. So now we have dime a dozen nutrient lines (which we all know rip us off with watered down chemical bullshit) shit out by ex pirate dopers that wanna still rake in the cash. And what better way than to crank out a Nutrient powder and boast all kinds of claims about it to tantalize the taste buds and dazzle the eye. I suspect this is just another company in a long list of companies burning people so thats why i asked if and what anyone's experiences we're with it.
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 7 months ago
Wtf is nutrient friction??
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 7 months ago
NPK 19.5-9-21? LGTM
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