
Bewässerung Frage, erster Grow

zaMauricestarted grow question 5 months ago
Wie viel sollte ich am Anfang gießen, oder reicht es wenn die Erde feucht bleibt und ich sie mehrmals am Tag etwas gieße? Was kann ich machen wenn die 4. Pflanze nicht keimt?
Feeding. Other
NicoGG04answered grow question 5 months ago
No riegues mucho los primeros dias, te diria que muy poco. Recomendaciones: 1- Rociar el sustrato por arriba con un pulverizador es mucho mejor que tirarles agua directo. 2- Hasta el tercer nudo, solamente agua con ppm bajo (150) y luego comenzar a suplementar con nutrientes.
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Selected By The Grower
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 5 months ago
Pour water slowly in a small circle around the base of the seedling (pour water into a solo cup so that it’s easy to pour water around each plant). The circle should be ~2 inches in every direction from the base of your seedling (or if your seedlings are bigger, about the width of the leaves). Every time, make sure to continue watering slowly in a circle until you get runoff water out of the bottom of the container. Make sure to remove runoff water so it doesn’t get re-absorbed through the bottom of the container. Don’t water again until the top inch (up to your first knuckle) is starting to feel dry to the touch. As for the 4th plant give it some time you may have planted it too deep or may just be taking its time, if it doesn't eventually pop out then the seed isn't viable which also happens.
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JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 5 months ago
Starting seeds in big pots requires to keep the soil moist and damp. The pots must be heavy, meaning there’s plenty enough water in it. Just lift your pots and make sure they are always heavy enough. Give your seedlings some roots stimulants to grow a fast big and strong roots system.
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Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 5 months ago
You don't need to water much at first, the plant needs to spread its roots to fetch water. It's not a good idea to water several times a day either, so give it a good watering once, around the shoot (not over it) and wait for the soil to dry out a little and the pot to become lighter before watering again.
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pabloescobarjranswered grow question 5 months ago
Well, if you keep the soil constantly wet you're gonna run into a bunch of problems. 1. No oxygen to the roots, will cause stunted growth and other issues. 2. The soil being moist all the time will promote the development of fungus gnats for example. 3. The plants will have no reason to spread out roots to look for water if they have it closeby. Which in turn means a smaller plant with less yield overall. Use a scale, your finger, or a stick to determine wether or not the soil is still moist. If the top inch or so is dry but you find the rest is still wet, then there is no need to water. Ideally, you want to get them close to the soil drying up completely. Will help bring in new oxygen to the roots, and also encourage the plant to shoot out more roots to look for the water that's already there. Use a spray bottle or a garden sprayer to water. If you use a scale, you'll also be able to determine how much water is lost because of heat, evaporation and so on. At least in the beggining stages, less is definitely more. Take a look at my diary and you'll see what overwatering caused lol. 4. You might find that the roots will rot if there soil is wet all the time. Which stinks like rotten eggs, and will pretty much mean you'll need to do flushes all the time, and the soil will never have proper time to dry out because of that. Good luck!
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