
Leaves Small and down

HallGeneticsstarted grow question 7 months ago
The new leaves are strongly bent downwards but the points of the edges of the leaves are pointed upwards, I checked and the outflow and I have an EC of 1.7 and Ph 6.6 !! I use the whole line of biobizz as it is, I only change the dosage of CalMag up to 0.3 EC
Leaves. Curl down
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
Feeding. Deficiences
Polyphemusanswered grow question 7 months ago
.3 EC is 150ppm of calcium mg and N -- whatever ratios are on the label for % of mass. That's no small uptick for these 3 specific molecules. your feedis imbalanced. i see it all the time with these bio biz tabs ... they just aren't a good ratio of nutes long-term with any plant, LOL. Maybe okay outside, but not a potted plant for sure. Even if plants look good for 2-3 even a month, something could be building up (toxicity) or slowly not keeping up (deficiency). Must keep track of how you feed over long-term so you can look back weeks if not a month or more to make an educated guess. runoff is always different that what persists in plant. if you don't have a baseline from when the plant was healthy, it's hard to assume that what you saw this time is different than before. It's useful info, but can't do much with it, even so. it should be part of a greater collection of info that you use to make a choice in course of action. Also, the plant needs a certain level of calcium at all times... supplementing it occasionally isn't going to be effective. it should be part of how you fertilize at all times. Looks liek Calcium deficiency is part of what is going wrong here. some of the feed is too high, some is too low.. it's completely out of balance. weighted average ratios of soilles/hydro nutes used (all fetilizers used) should be somethign closer to 1-1-2 NPK ratios and 4-2-1 K:Ca:Mg ratios in an overall concentration around 1.3-1.5EC. These are evidence-based suggestions found through numerous and repeated studies across many species of similkar plants.This is a far greater starting point for soilless/hydro context than any anecdotal knowledge-based suggestion. In an organic/soil context you'll probably need 100-133% more N due to lag of microbes fixating the nitrogen before the plant can even take it in throughroots -- so yoru rootzone EC is much higher (runoff too) than what actually enters the plant... this is just one way runoff can be drastically different and be no cause for concern. Having an idea of the general baseline when things are ging well would help avoid this confusion in future and make the readings you took more useful. A 2-1-2 ratio for NPK may be a better starting point if nitrogen is not immediately plant-available. Being systematic and taking measurements is never a bad thing, but if you have no baseline, you have no idea if it is bad or good, except in castrophically extreme contexts. in PPMs 120s N 60 P 180+ K 100+ Ca 50-80 Mg 100ish S this is a ballpark 1-1-2 NPK // 4-2-1 KMgCa ratio at 1.2-1.3 EC, This is not too useful for a soil context, but int he end, over time, it must be a similar provision of mass of building blocks to match mass of growth (plus carbon from air in that equation) You cannot defy the law of conservation of mass.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 7 months ago
Hard to say. To me, it looks like Suffocating roots, and probably some root rot goin on. You have 2 options to save that plant if it's root rot which i think it is. A product Called Hygrozyme, or Sensizyme. There's a few out there. The enzymes will go after and eat up all the rotten root tissue and convert it into plant usable nutrients. Option 2 would be to water in some Food Grade 35% h202 diluted of course. Give your dirt a good soak with it. People say Coco has to always be wet, but if you don't have a robust root system to displace that water around the roots fairly quickly, your plants WILL suffer. I know it, if seen it, i did it to my seedlings, in Coco. Let your soil dry out so the pot feels light, then water. My plants only get 4 liters of water per week. Just don't let them dry out and wilt. A light pot with a perky plant in my eyes is a happy healthy lady
HallGeneticsanswered grow question 7 months ago
Non penso sia sotto acqua o sopra acqua, peso il vaso con una bilancia, qualcuno sa dirmi se ha senso controllare la EC di biobizz? Ho iniziato con 2ml/L di biogrow nella 2*settimana e lo stesso nella 3* settimana, la 4* settimana ho abbassato la dose a 1ml/L perché ho visto le foglie diventare troppo Verdi, la 5* settimana ho dato biogrow a 1,5ml/L . Questa ultima settimana ho notato che le foglie stavano diventando gialle questa quindi ho dato 2ml/L di biogrow ma ora stanno così piegate verso giù, tutti gli altri prodotti li ho usati come dice la scheda ogni settimana con 1 litro di Acqua ciascuna pianta. Cosa può essere? Domani dovrebbe arrivare il sale di epsom, lo farò fogliare che ne dite?
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