Looks like a case over feeding and over watering my friend. I highly suggest just giving her balanced water, in smaller doses, for quite awhile. There's a good chance she'll bounce back. I know you're following the schedule, but that schedule is assuming your girl was a little bigger by this time. She had a couple set backs and is not ready for the heavy nutrient feeds they recommend. I would also check and make sure the schedule you're using is the correct one. If you're using a coco nutrient feed schedule, these are usually higher doses than soil media.
I just recommend backing off the nutrients for awhile. The symptoms are not a lack of nutrients, but an abundance. Feed with balanced distilled and/or low ppm tap and localize your waterings as best you can and never too much. Saturated soil with no root system can suffocate, stunt and starve the girls.
I wish you luck in the coming days👍👍