m0useanswered grow question a year ago This is new to me. 3 in one seed. But I think it might be different.
Maybe a 2nd seed fell into the mix when prepping it??
The snapped root tip should not have grown into anything, if it did. weird. really weird.
From the images provided it look like there is one seed with one tap root and one seed cap that is almost separated from the cotyledons, plus one root tip that's snapped off on moist white paper towel. the 2nd pic shows one plant, is this the little plant that grow from a snapped root tip?? The third pic looks like the main plant and a new plant.
It also looks like the main seed has sprouted and is the bigger one, and in the previous image it looks like the seed shell has split fully from the plant, but the new sprout has helmet head meaning it came from a seed that has not separated from the shell... So it makes me think this is a entirely new seed that got into the mix somehow.
Other theory, the one seed had a twin that separated really fast and if not just a snipped root tip then the 2nd plant in the same pot as main plant is a random addition by accident. Twins don't normally grow all that well, normally one dwarfed and the other average.
If you don't have any more seeds or the means to get more in time, grow it out, It could be shit but better then nothing.
If you have others you might want to think of starting a new one and not waist your time. Maybe reach out to fastbuds and get their opinion. Mention you are worried about the rates of shit twin plants and see if they will get you a new seed.
For the helmet head plant, spray water on the seed head the moisten it, will help shed that shell. be careful if you need to remove it manually it. Can easily kill your plant. tweezers help.
Good Luck!