This phenomena is referred to as “praying” and is a result of the plant trying to protect itself from what it believes it a blazing, unrelenting, sun. In an outdoor setting cannabis receives light from the sun, which is constantly moving across the sky from dusk til daw. As the sun moves “over” the plant, the plant’s leafs receive a full dose of sun if they are flat and facing up towards the sun. When the plant receives a combination of too much heat and too little humidity, the plant folds its edges up like that in hopes of providing shade to part of the leaf that would only typically be exposed during the middle part of the day.
Unfortunately, with a stationary light-source this action by the plant is pointless. If the heat isn’t reduced and the humidity raised soon, the leafs will continue to become a purplish/red tone, they will become coarse to the touch, and only the very middle of the leaf will remain green as they continue to pray. The branches will all turn a reddish color also and of course the plant will stop growing due to stress... I think:)