
Black spots on leaves

longearringboy420started grow question 24 days ago
Black spots present on some fan leaves. During ~3rd month right now. Watering with HESI in Coco Coir, PH ~6 every time, 1/2 runoff water. For about 2 weeks prior to this, I also added very small amount of kelp powder. Soil seems fine.
Leaves. Color - Black or grey
m0useanswered grow question 24 days ago
Plants look overfed in general. They are also looking like they are fox tailing. this could be from excess heat/light and low airflow. some plants do this on their own though. I do some light stress on them as well. their is bleached tips in one of the pics and lots of crispy sugar leaves. you should try and find your DLI you giving them or just dial back the light a bit from 100% to 80% or raising it more if its possible. Honestly the plants are close to being done and its huge for the tiny space it is in. I don't think I would worry so much about this and just finish it off. I am curious how this turns out. Hopefully you'll start a diary on your next grow. Good Luck!
Camarao_Despertoanswered grow question 24 days ago
I'm not sure my friend but it looks like something external, nothing wrong with the plant or roots. I would consider some alphids or something like that, it looks like some dots and not a spot, maybe eggs or very small fleas. You tried cleaning them? Sure you gotta keep an eye on that and i wish I could help more, beautiful girl you have! Happy growing! G.
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