
Defoliation Autoflower

wiz4rdstarted grow question 2 days ago
Hey fellow growers, How should I approach defoliation with autoflowers during flowering? I'm thinking of removing lower leaves, especially near the soil. I prefer to be cautious to avoid mistakes. Reddit wasn't helpful as it seemed too critical. I hope for better insights here.
Techniques. Defoliation
Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
There is no need or requirement to defoliate at all, especially with plants that size. Why defoliate? What for?? Your plants NEED those leaves to make the energy that they need to grow their flowers. Just remember........ Less leaves = lesss energy being made = less potential growth.
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
any condensation or extremely congested areas? those are 2 good reasons, but don't do it whimsically. not only do leaves capture light but they take in co2. they are the lungs. they are the productionfacilities for sugars that power all growth. Leaves are incredibly important and removing leaves absolutely does not allow the plant to "focus on the buds" -- that's one of those 'bro-science' comments that sound realistic and scientific but are absolute nonsense - not an opinion or debate. read "to defoliate or not" on cocoforcannabis com. in factread all their grow guides and articles in dr photon's corner. it is solid info with limited marketing nonsense mucking up the information. they do try to sell shit, so when talking about a product they hawk, be more skeptical, lol, as is always the case. some more bro-science nonsense -- not transplanting autoflowers. absolutely not a concern unless you purpsefully destroy the rootball while doing it. That's some myth that gets repeated over and over again until the masses believe it but never actually learned anything about it.
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m0useanswered grow question 2 days ago
I don't think you need any defoliation. Keep em as is. Its ment to increese airflow and light penatration but you can see your medum so its got space.
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 days ago
little lolipoping is wise, leaves should never touch soil, but defoliation is not needed for such small plants, would not stress them check this weeks video after training. that i would target. you see, i left outside leaves, for as much of them tto have, but cleared bottom insides. leaves is energy, without them, plant waste energy to create leaves.
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