
Is something wrong with my plants?

red_pandastarted grow question a month ago
My plants are getting white “spots“ on the buds what look like new pistils. They get Biobizz Grow, Bloom, and Top Max, a little bit Rhizotonic an Calmag. The lighter one is a Sour Diesel and the other one a Special Queen 1 by RQS. They are in FW 8 under 150W LED. 65W LED in Veg
Buds. Other
sanibelislanswered grow question a month ago
Flowers look 👀 fine. Some nutrient issues somewhere along the line as evident from the spotting on the leaves, but with just a few weeks left till she finishes you almost done with the nutrients anyway. In my opinion best plan would be to stick to how you want to finish her off all the while strategically removing the damaged leaves a at a time, this will help reduce the chance for pests as well as deliver more energy to the flowers 💐 Take it for what it’s worth. Happy g
JeyGaneshaanswered grow question a month ago
Parece que en algunos puntos están formándose semillas.....ya no les pongas más nada de nutrientes es mejor
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