
Lower leaves too pale or yellowing?

KISSGrowingstarted grow question 8 days ago
I am noticing the lower leaves of my Royal Critical Automatic to be much more pale green than the top of the plant. Is this a nutrient/light/watering/lst stress problem if at all? First Grow. Started balcony, moved to tent D23. SF-1000 light, 100% at ~ 55cm from canopy.
Week 4
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Techniques. LST
Mooncatanswered grow question 8 days ago
Might be a bit stress but no need to worry first pair wilts in like 90% of times. Why did you tie down the leafes tho? You can remove every hook apart from the last one wich ties down the top.👍
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 8 days ago
The darker green is most likely due to the fact that it is now getting more intense light and better light than when it was growing on your balcony. I would remove the uppermost wire tie down as showing in pic 2 though, the growing top/tip needs to be getting direct light. Otherwise, there really is no problem at all.
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