
What is wrong with her?

RecruiterOlistarted grow question 3 days ago
Hi together, What is wrong with my baby? Been giving 1ml/l of biobizz grwo, bloom and top max. Too much or too less?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Curl up
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 13 hours ago
I agree with Lerome and FogponicCult. Very good advice from Fogponic with the H2O2, never thought of using it like that and makes perfect sense.
FogponicCultanswered grow question 2 days ago
Lerome is right in my opinion. Looks like its got an infection from overwatering from my experience. This happens quickly in soil you need to make sure that the soil does dry back in between the feedings otherwise there is too much water and not enough oxygen in the medium just like Lerome mentioned droopy leaves are the first sign. If roots die they degrade when overwatered under anaerobic circumstances what often results in pythium and other rootbound infections. I would recommend to remove the infected parts on the flowers, treat her soil with h2o2 ( i like to use 12% and dilute 0.75ml to 1ml per 10l water) H2o2 acts like an desinfectant, lowering pathogenic pressure and also gives the plant extra oxygen since it degrades into water and oxygen in like 2 days. Let her dry back and maybe give her some beneficial microbes (my favorite product is voodoo+ btw) and also some enzymes that can breakedown the dead roots. It’s already quite late, make sure you keep an eye on your watering habits next run. With soil i liked to just lift the pots and feel their weight to see if they are ready for the next feed. Or you go with coco next time coco can hold more air than soil it doesn’t get overwatered so easily. Make sure you don’t consume any of the buds that got botrytis. Good luck and keep on growing, we all make errors at some point and errors are chances to grow on as a grower, hope that made sense :D
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
Leromeanswered grow question 3 days ago
@AsNoriu you are actually a maniac, crazy how people listen to such ignorant kids. Shows that you have no clue about plants. In case you didnt know, wrong watering (too much or too little) can lead to all kind of problems including unavalability of nutrients, thats why i suspected it. The growers plant has been looking very droopy for some weeks and there are no information about how he is watering
AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 days ago
@Lerome hope one day when you will have heart stroke and doctor who will be in hospital will heal you from hemorrhoid. Thats how i see. If you cant read and diagnose from photos, maybe its better to not confuse people ???? i think it would be smart, your actions arent, thats why loonatic and idiot epitets were used.
Leromeanswered grow question 3 days ago
@AsNoriu how about you relax, youre being a notorious prick right now. Did i notice the bud rot? No, i didnt. Did i try to help and be constructive? I guess... People like you should not be allowed to answer here with such a toxic mindset. You must be pretty sad or frustrated i guess...
Hashyanswered grow question 3 days ago
I think I can see bud rot on 1 of the tops. If it's got the rot then do as asnoriu said. Google a picture of bud rot and check it against your plant, if you got rot then get rid and don't smoke it.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 3 days ago
The burnt tips looks like she has had heat stress or been over fed at some point, but this plant has been through a lot. Some spots of bud rot coming in as AsNoriu said. Chop those out asap!!! I'm wondering if you haven't been keeping the soil too wet and you have root rot and that is stopping your plant from getting what it needs and helping the rot set in, because she shouldn't be that pale and sad if you are still feeding biogrow.
AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 days ago
Bud rot !!!! Get rid asap of infected part !!! Chop all plant now and take loses. From feed she is pale, was missing all NPK. Necrosis from lack of phosphorus, pale from lack of Nitrogen. All IDIOTS below me should be banned from answering questions. Bud rot infection spreads fast, some early stages of it not visible for human eye. Its pouson to smoke for liver and lungs. Get rid of all infected colas, straight to toilet or burry deep. Mold spreads by air, so better do early chop with wet trim. Mooncat , look at feeding schedule yourself before stating something, sad ....
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GrowerOGanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hello mate, do you give all these products every time you watering? if you are in this case probably your soil is full of nutrients so you can try to flush and then you could give again the nutrients
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Leromeanswered grow question 3 days ago
My guess is a watering issue. Hard to tell without information though, would make it easier to help out if you were adding information about your watering and feeding cycle/amounts in your diary!
Mooncatanswered grow question 3 days ago
Grow and Bloom at the same time ? Dont do that... Look up their feeding chart on the Website and use half.
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