GODAXEanswered grow question 5 months ago Dont give a shit if its , mites , spider mite, white fly, thrips, or even smurf. You have PEST!
Lucky you we didnt burn pested one since 1900.
get yourself a potasium base insecticid soap in your local store. (wal mart, lowes, home depot) any fruit or vegetable insecticide will get rid of it.
just be sure to take a food grade safe one.
spray generosly when suns go down , it must drip from every where, i wear nitril glove and use my free hand to get acces to all the plant, especially under the leaf where those shit hide their egg.
2 to 3 consecutive day treatment should solve your probleme, after that a weekly light shoot will work fine as preventive mesure.
to any one who will complain that is not safe.... you should stop eating....