
Defoliation ?

Kramoussstarted grow question 3 days ago
Hey everyone, i was wondering if i sould Defoliate a bit to increase light on lower buds , thank you for your insight
Buds. Other
Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
No, you have done a great job with training, your plant is relying on those leaves to make the energy to grow the flowers. Just remember........ Less leaves = less energy being made = less potential growth. There reallly is no real need to ever defoliate in my opinion, the only time is when there are massive issues with controlling excessive humidity. Buds do not need direct exposure to light to grow, just like how fruit doesn't just grow on the sunny side of trees!
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Selected By The Grower
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
products of photosynthesis freely travel around the plant. Apical dominance dictates where it is used 'more' and not where the light hits the plant. Never remove leaves so that light hits a bud site. That's bro-science nonsense. Always keep as many leaves as possible. They perform several functions above and beyond light absorption. If the plant has too many, it will shed them. removing leaves also does not shift resources to buds, that's even more retarded than the urban myth mentioned above. removing leaves will only make the plant grow more leaves - unless too late in flower. Only remove leaves that create a disease vector - standing water (condensation from overlap with tent wall or another leaf) or zero airflow in canopy. it doesn't have to be as airy as your current one. You don't want any gaps in canopy as that's wasted photons.
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Speedlekinganswered grow question 2 days ago
Is it auto or photo? If you do try not to take off more than 10% of its mass.
FogponicCultanswered grow question 3 days ago
If you decide to defoliate, just go with a few leaves she ain’t the bushiest. Here is some information about this subject, im doing it for years with this tutorial: If defoliate and how much always depends on how the plant is growning. Id remove only leaves that cover budsites and leaves and buds that are so low that they don’t receive much light and would not produce in the end. If you start with defoliation go slow first, learn how plants react. This can be also different with each genotype/phenotype they all take the stress differently. After week 3-4 you don’t want to put much stress on your plants anymore, since they should concentrate on flower production/bulking week 4-7. if you decide to defoliate at this stage only take single leaves at a time
Hashyanswered grow question 3 days ago
Leave her alone, looks like she has good airflow and light penetration as she is.
Mooncatanswered grow question 3 days ago
Nah... Rather remove the lowest buds so the ones getting light get more resources. Also you are in like Flower week 3-5 dont stress her if you dont need to.
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