
What nutrients is my plant missing?

RPGbenstarted grow question a day ago
Since the plant stated flowering, her leaves turned more yellow from the top to the bottom . Today I spotted some spots that look like nekrosis to me. She recieves BioBizz Grow, Bloom and Topmax. Some epsom salt aswell. The substrate is BioBizz light mix. Thanks for your help!
Week 8
Leaves. Color - Yellow
RickSanchezanswered grow question 21 hours ago
you pot looks very small and also does not ensure good airflow. your plant might show signs of suffering due to its great structure and minimal room for its roots. i would "highly" (see what i did there) recommend to place your plant in some cotton pot 💚 best of luck!
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 21 hours ago
Not sure if it would mater now because the plant is in bud production mode. I think this could be avoided next time by a bigger pot. She is just rootbound and hungry and that could cause lots of issues. Nice big plant though. I would just up the nutrients and invest in monitoring equipment like mouse said and that will help you get a better understand of whats going on. If it were me and I were still in veg I would just up-pot it into something 2 times or bigger. I'm doing full organic though so it helps to have bigger pots for that sometimes, you don't need to be as calculated, but you still need to pay attention.
m0useanswered grow question a day ago
Take a look at the feeding schedule. I think you are under feeding them according to its recommended ratios. Good point about bigger plants in smaller pots they will be drinking and feeding more. Will need more frequent irrigation's. Bio bizz also recommended adding in CaMg at about 1ml/L its on the bottom of the feeding chart and not going below a PH of 6.2 or above 6.5 If you are not monitoring the concentration of your feeding solution it would be a good thing to get into until you know it like the back of your hand. This helps figure out if the solution your mixing up is enough for the plant. Also good to get into the habit of giving the plant a bit of runoff as well. like 10-15% pots volume. This helps prevent any buildup in the substrate. Any TDS will work. some a better other not. EC is ideal vs PPM but both work. Good Luck!
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GrowerOGanswered grow question a day ago
Hello mate, with all probabilities this problem is linked to the ratio of Ca/Mg. You are feeding the plants with organic products so you need to have a perfect balance of the pH soil so you must have the perfect ratio of Ca/Mg in your water (3/1 or 4/1) otherwise you will have a salt crystallization in the salts that blocked the uptake of the other nutrients. Good luck and happy harvest!
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BlocZanswered grow question a day ago
It looks like a nitrogen deficiency to me. With the light mix and the pot which is very small for the size of the plant, it will be very greedy in fertilizer during watering and floraison. We can see that the tips of the leaves are not burned, so not in excess of fertilizer. 🤗
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