Either senescence or the culmination of a slightly-off nutrient diet finally showing symptoms.
You are nearing the end so don't overreact that's for sure. Even if you don't correct course i doubt it impacts the harvest much at this stage. Most of the work is done.
The leaves look a bit dark in the week leading into the first signs of symptoms, which according to diary pictures was before day 100. But, it also seemed to progress more when you dialed down your fertilizer, so it may be too much of one things and too little of something else coinciding. Not enough info to give a confident answer.
if in soilless/hydro can give a baseline of ppms and if anything is drastically off it's likely to be that, but in soil it's a crapshoot requiring familiarity from trial and error over time. Too many personal choices and wide range in products to give specific instruction.
Diagnosing problems solely from leaf symptoms is a best guess more times than not. Some symptoms are more discrete than others, but most visible symptoms have more than 1 cause.
Make a best guess, do "1" thing and see how it goes... take notes and if you see this next time you know to try plan b. If you do several things, you are likely to make it worse and you if by chance it corrects itself you'll have no idea whihc of the many things you did had the effect you wanted.