You'll probably have to let that progress a bit to better differentiate the symptoms. Even so, leaf symptoms are indiscrete, meaning more than one thing can potentially cause what you see.
The plants do look overfed, especially if that is a picture taken under a grow light - makes it look paler than reality and they are even darker than pictured. If that's normal room lighting it's not as severe. Again, more than one nute can cause overly dark (lush) plants. Usually N or Mg.
Get a leaf chart. Even if you have to ask questions at this stage of your growing career. Looking over it repeatedly will give you familiarity and you'll be able to diagnose as well as anyone else, and even better because you have more information about your recent behaviour than just plant symptoms can tell us.
I like the one stamped with "cervantes" name on it... find a high resolution one that you can zoom in on each issue and get a clear picture. learning difference between mobile vs immobile is an easy way to eliminate possibilities. Mulder's chart is another good visual aid to understand the interelationships of these nutrient molecules -- which can lock each other out (antagonistic relationship), which need more of something else if you eleveate it (stimulative relationship)
So, patience... maybe drawback your overall concentration 10-20% and see how that goes to start... this may require additional adjustments. Somethings may have been high before but some components may have been just right too... the balance (ratio) of nutes is just as important as overall concentration.