Seedleranswered grow question 4 hours ago wait, wait, wait.
1. You don't need to transplant photoperiods at all when growing
2. you need to post some pictures here if you need some help on your plant problem, high quality, focused pictures are the best
3. even tho it's kinda a meme right now, you can't water such a tiny little seedling with THAT amount of water bro, you just drown them.
4. No... its not because of the hot soil and i never heard that and it made me giggle a bit :D
5. people are transplanting so the plant won't get overwatered but insuring the soil won't dry out at some points and roots grow quicker and faster if they are in a tiny pot first, at least thats what promised.
So you really only need to water the amount of water the plant can uptake with their TINY little roots for that moment, soil needs some wet-dry circle tho
You still could transplant them in a smaller pot if you are careful enough. Will make everything easier but people grown weed in a pringles can, everything works somehow if you don't want to transplant.
If you stay with the big pots and therefore need to water more so the soil won't dry out completly try adjusting the VPD. this means temperature, humidity and leaf temp. there are very good videos on youtube of that, if you want to improve. Mastering VPD gives you at least 1/4 better/more yield imo
So thats my opinion on that, your cat is really, really cute :3 have fun growing and whatever you do, don't give up and keep growing