Cool temps (likely at night) / genetics.
anything near or below 68F has the potential to bring out autumn/fall colors. This is about chemistry and not genetics. Same reason leaves turn color outside as temperatures drop. Some genetics are more predisposed to exotic coloration than others.
Red petioles (leaf stems are different anatomy than "stems") are most likely caused by the LED if isolated to the top and where they are exposed to light while remaining green under the canopy. There's no way i've found to avoid that and i'm not alone in that respect. it's normal.
Looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency creeping up the plant, so that would explain why it's slightly pale. the plant next to it might be getting a tad too much by comparison.
Google image search a "marijuana leaf chart" the one stamped with jorge cervantes name is the one i prefer and has served well for years. This takes the guessing out of what you see, and also shows how many of the symptoms have more than 1 cause. You ened more information than just leaf symptoms. what you've done the last several weeks or even months matters. not everything happens quickly, sometimes a slight imbalance takes a very long time to become apparent. Don't start with believing that it has to be the last thing you've done.
calcium deficiency is necrotic spots. Mg, a different element, has different symptoms (chlorosis with spots). ca and mg are not linked together, they dont' come together, it's just the name of 1 product that happens to contain both. think of them separately becuse they are.