Gorilla Glue #4
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Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
Nice and easy to grow, not the frostiest but I'm sure it will make good smoke.
a year ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
This plant was amazing to grow. She put out alot of great clones. She is super sticky and is loud.
3 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
Taste and smokes Really Good,Sticks To Fingers and Smells Dank 👍
4 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
It was a cold flowering season yet these girls did quite well for near zero nights from september on. Not as good tasting or smelling as the indoor grow but it does the trick. Buds are formed well and nice hard nuggies.
4 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
This was a fun and informative grow. It was my first time doing DWC as well as a ScRog net. But overall things came out nice and she is smoking 🔥
4 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
This is my 5th? go around with this strain. Each grow she has been very finicky but I have learned from each in order to find tune growing her well. This grow proved no different. She is sensitive to topping and LST but I have found that waiting until the 5th node is a very good way to work around it. This strain has been very phosphorus deficient each grow and this time around was probably the worst. She needs quite a bit more phosphorus than the rest of the garden.
4 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
Heavy smoke that will kick you in your chair. Better stock up on snacks too!
5 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
Surprised myself at how easy it was to grow really. Quite ironic that all the seeds I bought either didn't germinate and the bag seed was really vigorous and really nice bud too. Unfortunately no scales yet. Wont be able to do a wet weight but will add the weight when its properly dry. Looks like a couple ounces dry. My friend I coming to visit with his bubble bags and scales so will add that info then. UPDATE ABOUT HALF A YEAR LATER I actually believe the bud to be Gelato. That is what the bag is marked with and it matches the smell profile. Also I have bought some Geato since and it tasted and seemed incredibly similar.
5 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
the plant the uvb turned purple is not as heavy hitting as the smaller plant is or as greasy looking. i would say its more an evening smoke
5 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
I harvested over a few weeks so never weighed it, vaporized all of it and it was identical to the GG#4 I bought from "Bonfire Cannabis" in winter park CO on 12-18-2018. I ended the grow, bagged the bud and went to the ski slope for a few weeks. Tested 20.4% THC (I can do that), total guess on the weight prob. 3.5oz
5 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
Slow growth in relation to humidity. (No humidifier used) she responded very well to lower defoliation during veg and flower, as well as lst. She’s been a beast the whole time no complaints can’t wait til the buds dry. Smells buttery with a little citrus and I’m getting bits of diesel in the smell profile. After the cure and smoking a couple joints can say it’s vanilla lemon and skunk. It’s high is will hit you like a wall of water submerging you into a state of euphoria. Once the high starts to mellow she drags you into a state of indica dominant relaxation. Smoking early in the morning before the sun has broke surface has this has helped my with everyday energy, as well as workout motivation. The high has left my head clear and has left my thoughts to relax their built up tension from stress. This isn’t going to leave my garden for awhile. Extremely potent.
5 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
i had no problem growing this strain no bugs no heat issues since i only growing the winter seasons cuts most grow issues i have encountered the past 10 years i would defiantly recommend it
5 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
I chopped her down after 11 days of using swamp cooler after the A/C unit broke because on that 11th day I had planned to finish the week til harvesting but a storm was in the forecast and the humidity was gonna be up and the swamp cooler wasn't going to work so I felt that morning was the day. Good thing too cuz it was a very humid day and the swamp cooler wouldn't have worked as my plant had never been in that situation before it's whole life because before I could switch to A/C when too humid but not anymore so it seemed like fate that forces beyond my control decided for my plant to get chopped down that day within a day or two from a 12 week flowering. The plant is essentially white except for the shade leaves sticking out green from white stalks of white cloudy crystals, even the orange hairs seem to disappear among all the whiteness and it looks more covered in like cane sugar now making the crystal more noticeable and the plant way whiter then compared to earlier it looked like diamond crystals and where harder to see unless in the right light or angle. The plant really turned around that last week or so as it blew up in crystals and the purple was coming in more and more on the leaves, I'm assuming because the nutrients were being starved out. I don't really like seeing purple on my bud as I've always associated it with badness or nutrient deficient bud but that's just my personal preferences and I know has to do with genetics too. It was a lot more work than I had planned for to get that plant ready to hang to dry as the leaf cutting was endless and I don't even want to imagine to more detailed leaf cutting later before jarring it. I stopped cutting the leaves off as my area could be getting drier air soon and I watched a video saying if the air is too dry to leave on the leafs as it helps with a slower drying time and the video also said you don't want to bleed chlorophyll all over the buds too which I could see happening so I stopped. The plant doesn't give off too much of a smell unless I get right up to buds or I grab it, squeeze it, shake it up it blows up with a very pungent fruity smell, It's a weird good smell I haven't really ever smelled before like I want to say how some people like the smell of dirty shoes type thing, a good piney pungent smell mixed with a fruity Trix Cereal type aroma, an addicting smell, it's hard to describe, but once you take a bud in your fingers and rub it smells a stronger fruity weed smell. It's probably just the combination of fresh cut leaves with the buds mixing together and although it smells really good right now, it's just not a smoking bud smell more like a wet fruity cut flower smell. Can't wait until all the leaves are mostly removed and dry enough to start the curing process. Was worried I'd get that infamous "hay' smell like my first plant did but this plant has smelled good for months so I didn't know where the "hay' smell would have come from on this plant and don't know where it did that time either. I will post pictures after it's dry and I start to put it in jars to cure.
6 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
Harvested on Day 76 before sunrise. Wet buds weigh 105grams. I expect around 1 Oz dry. Been drying for two days with a fan at nights since humidity rises up to 80% and i want to avoid mold. Some fast dry buds that i tried hit hard and taste good. This mystery seed was grown 12/12 from seed outdoors, After some research I just assume it was GG4 but who really knows. What matters is that it is some great marihuana. I used Fafard ultra mix soil and 5 gal pots. This specific plant I believe was weak since it got spider mites very early and I could never get rid of them, just controlled. She was sleeping along two other plants, and to this day, those are safe and sound and did not get the mites. Anyways this was my first grow and you just keep learning from your mistakes. Give your opinions! Update. Made cannabutter with barely 15 grams of sugar leaves and it resulted very potent and long lasting. Update: this plant provided 30g dry of potent weed. UPDATE: buds dried after 4 days and they've been curing in jars for five days already with this weird smell like fresh cuando and dried leaves. They feel and look dry. Not moist at all. I hope it fades away with time and it gets back its citrus smell.
7 years ago
Gorilla Glue #4
Growing it
What an adventure! From a little scraggly plant deficient and weak in a red solo cup to a tamed beast...Gorilla Glue was a challenge that forced me to learn a lot along the way. Definitely gained new insight and appreciation for this plant!
7 years ago