French Touch Seeds are pleased to present their second regular variety, the Renaissance. Originating from a cross of Mother Juanita the Lagrimosa and vigorous male Indica KC36, this strain was the long time work of Botaquantik and RV. This Sativa-dominant cross enters the lineage of French Touch CBD Seeds with two phenotypes: 2/3 Dominance Sativa which is more productive and 1/3 Mostly Indica which may turn purple at the end of flowering. The Renaissance is a plant that needs attention to get compact and resinous flowers. The taste is slightly spicy and fruity, has a good stretch and can be adapted to any type of crop with good mould resistance. Start the day with the Renaissance to appreciate its relaxing effect without the unwanted drowsiness.
It is sensitive to light and ph fluctuations. Very smelly and sticky stuff. CBD definitely announces presence
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4 years ago