
Pollen Sacs

APOLLOstarted grow question 5 years ago
Today I noticed sacks on the middle one. 2 days ago, I had to raise lights coz saw leaf tip burn (I had narrowed it down to light stress) Should I discard the plant now? Also I would appreciate a bit of thought input on the issue please? is it normal? am I doing something wrong?
Week 8
Buds. Other
Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi there! Yes those are balls and you should kill the plant right away! I think that every cannabis can turn to hermaphrodite if the conditions are right. Some strains turn with less stress and some need more stress and with colloidial silver or gibberrellic acid you can turn females to males. So it might be just poor genetics or stress factos but these things happen..
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Selected By The Grower
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Balls! looks all male isn't it? these fem seeds? nope, kill it.. move on. or transplant outside and harvest pollen.. look up storage options.. think you need a fridge to make it last more than a short while.
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Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
These types of things happen and most of the time you'll never find an explanation for it. Don't let it get you down. I'd would definitely kiss that boy goodbye and get rid of it asap.. don't want your girls with seeds do ya? Happy growing man.. 👊
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DrJynx86answered grow question 5 years ago
Hermies happen my friend, in my experience I will chop it right away and avoid risking pollinating any buds around. I'd say do not worry, the real % of this happening is really low, but will definitely happen if you keep on growing.
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