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8/26 FED TODAY. 2 GALLONS TO THE GARDEN. THE WATERING CAN I USE IS ABOUT A HALF GALLON SO THAT'S WHAT A NORMAL PLANT HAS BEEN GETTING. Wow. What a week I had last week. I'm hoping things are going up from here. It's overcast but we have a 90% chance of rain. Thunderstorms. I'm wondering if I should put my back tarp up. The wind doesnt seem too bad so I'll play it by ear. The remaining plants seem to be doing good to me. I wanted to let the soil dry out but I NEEDED to feed. Buds are popping up everywhere and increasing in size. Earwigs still seemed to lollipop the interior branches (mostly larfy stuff but still). I attached a picture so people can see what I mean. I'm getting hit on all fronts but I'm still kicking! I'll update as I go. Some pictures won't upload. I'll have to do it later. Oh and my ph is on point for once. I tested all plants a bunch of different places and readings were 6.6 to 7.3 at the highest. 8/27 Rained last night but not as bad as I thought it would. We are supposed to have some good weather coming up so I'm hoping my medium will get a chance to dry put. Still liking the liquid kool bloom. I'll up the dose next feed. I'm going to need to do another application of plant doctor this week too. It's about time for a BT application as well. I see moths flying off when I check early in the morning and I've observed some pillar damage. I'm slightly worried about soul going anaerobic. The color of the gdps are too lime green for my liking but our weather has been horrid. I never remember having to deal with shit like this. The branch that was all drooped with fusarium wilt has one (the closest to the stalk) shoot that has repaired itself. That gives me hope but I really should just amputate that branch. I guess I'm just nervous because of the reaction I had last time. Granted I've cut tons and tons of branches off in the past and prune things they didn't have whatever pathogen these do. Septoria is still there on one of the GDPs but it seems to be doing okay. I'm SLIGHTLY worried about the change in color on my big NYCSA. It's lost some of its vibrancy. I think it's kinda normal. I'm sure it has some PM (which I'm hoping plant doctor and the silica will help repress) but I think it will be a heavy yielding plant. Sun's poking out. The little clones I took are exploding in growth. They might not yield much but I'm glad I didn't just chuck them like I was going too. 8/28 Things are still looking good! We got some sunshine yesterday and the sunshine out today. Buds are really starting to form and colas are taking their shape. I'm slightly concerned with the coloring of my NYCSA but it started flowering later than the others so senescence may be behind. I may have lost half this year but looking at other diaries and attitudes of soms others I'm pretty fucking lucky. I didn't have much time this morning so I'll update later. I need to keep up with my IPM and do BT treatment and follow up with a second dose of plant doctor. 8/29 Super rushed morning. Only had time to shake the dew off the plants and snap a couple quick pictures. I lowered the growbig this week. I think that was a mistake. Plants are flowering like crazy. My NYCSA doesn't seem as vibrant green as it was. I may up feeding to twice a week or at least give them a little growbig if I need to water. I want tge medium to stay dry for a while. I also needcto cut that dead branch. I'm just afraid of a situation line before where the whole plant died. My anxiety disorder really hampers my growing ability. I qorry far too much. I should just cut it off right now. I've also seen pillar damage so I'm going to need to do a BT spray. I have the other organocide that's the 3 in 1 but I can't use it in flower. I'll just have to stagger applications. Either that or do another root drench or "sprench" and a foliar with the BT on another day. I have WPM on the garden and I'm pretty sure septoria. This plant was perfect though. I'm afraid it might be getting sick. Either way it'd an extremely resilient strain. The little 9lb kush I have in a 3 gallon is flowering the fastest. It really fuckihgcsucks I lost those massive plants. Judging by this "clone" I took off the other clone (I know) this strain wouldve been the first to finish. EDIT: Went back over to check the medium and do some slight defoliation. I inspected the stalks and the dead branch. The dead branch has a small indent (from breakage, insects or rot) where the branch connects to the stalk. I've seen this before but had no problems. However THIS branch seems to he coming out of the stalk RIGHT where the rot is. I cut the other one off that ENORMOUS 9lb Kush and it was dead a few hours later. I talked to my father who has degrees in biology and forestry (among other things) and he said he couldn't really see the harm in leaving it. I am worried that a cutworm mightve gotten in bit I don't see any evidence of any borer insect. Under that stem there is more "bark" and other stuff but nothing like a borer makes. I'm going back over tonight to treat with either BT or Plant Doctor. Haven't decided which. Probably the plant doctor. 8/30 Didn't have time for pictures. Large NYCSA NOW has fusarium wilt. Either I'm the most unlucky grower in our area or my plants got dosed with fusarium. After the research I've done I've cone to the conclusion that this season will be a complete loss. Maybe the two small separate cuttings will make it through flower. The rest is just a waiting game to see if fusarium kills it before they finish flowering. Even if it doesn't then I don't know if I would want to smoke the flowers. I'm shopping online for grow equipment. I'm going to do some indoor this winter. Wow this feels like a kick in the nuts. I'm a good dude. Like I said I'm just either the unluckily grower around or my plants had a little help. Who knows. EDIT: I treated everything with Pkant Doctor again. I'll feed tomorrow and see if some miracle happens and I actually get something 8/31 I added a few pictures so folks can see what fusarium looks like and how it progresses. As you can see it killed a branch and is progressing to the next and so on until the plant is typically dead. No need to get too scientific on the mechanism of action. I FED 2 gallons today. Still kept growbig low dosing.
Still looking pretty good so far. After harvesting Girl Scout Cookies Auto, Yuhbary Auto is sharing a light with my two other, much younger plants. The light is a lot closer to Yuhbary Auto than before, which leads to discoloration of some fan leaves, but as far as I understand it, that's to be expected due to suddenly increased photosynthesis. A lot more Trichomes are getting milky, but so far, no amber ones in sight. UPDATE: That was that - Yuhbary Auto suddenly developed amber trichomes and the lower fan leaves started to turn yellow. A lovely grow, a lovely plant and a very nice outlook on what's to come in her next phase.
For FW3 no fertilizer. Last week of growth I added 50 g of Wizzy's Flower-Fertilizer, which lasts for the whole flower period. Also this week no booster, only tapwater, but I need to increase the temperatur of it, since it always causes a shock when watering the plants. Still no problems with pH, micorbiology takes care of that.
Día 29 (10/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Detecto una ligera deficiencia de Magnesio. Aplicación foliar de sales de Epsom a 2 g/L Día 30 (11/02) GG4 Sherbet ya ha mostrado las preflores! 😍 Día 31 (12/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Día 32 (13/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Está teniendo un stretch espectacular! Día 33 (14/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Día 34 (15/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Detecto unas ligeras manchas en las hojas de abanico más antiguas que parecen carencia de CalMag Voy a regar durante unos días con mezcla de H2O RO + H2O del grifo (Tap Water) con una resultante EC 0,45 Día 35 (16/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O EC 0,45 FastBuds 15% DISCOUNT code "NONICK" @fast_buds_official_ @fastbuds.official 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Día 29 (10/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Detecto una ligera deficiencia de Magnesio. Aplicación foliar de sales de Epsom a 2 g/L Día 30 (11/02) GG4 Sherbet ya ha mostrado las preflores! 😍 Día 31 (12/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Día 32 (13/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Está teniendo un stretch espectacular! Día 33 (14/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Día 34 (15/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Detecto unas ligeras manchas en las hojas de abanico más antiguas que parecen carencia de CalMag Voy a regar durante unos días con mezcla de H2O RO + H2O del grifo (Tap Water) con una resultante EC 0,45 Día 35 (16/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O EC 0,45 FastBuds 15% DISCOUNT code "NONICK" @fast_buds_official_ @fastbuds.official 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Gracias al equipo de Sweet Seeds, XpertNutrients y Marshydro sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Red Hot Cookies: Excelente genética resultado del cruce entre un clon seleccionado de una variedad “Super Strong” americana de la familia Cookies, la Tropicanna Cookies (Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie), y un clon seleccionado de una potente variedad también americana de excelente aroma a mandarinas, la Tangie. Para el cruce se han elegido exóticos parentales con fenotipo de flor roja. El color rojo en las flores se presenta en un 60% de la descendencia y suele aparecer en las últimas semanas del periodo de floración, comenzando desde las ramas y flores inferiores hacia las superiores. Variedad de marihuana “Super Strong”, muy productiva y resinosa, que alcanza niveles de THC de hasta el 25%. Excelente aroma y sabor, dulce, profundo y denso, con marcados tonos de mandarina y mango, y pinceladas de frutos del bosque. 🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. 🚀 Consigue aqui tu Adlite: 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes:
its looked great after trim .. smells amazing ..very enjoyable smoke
Día 29 (10/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Detecto una ligera deficiencia de Magnesio. Aplicación foliar de sales de Epsom a 2 g/L Día 30 (11/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Día 31 (12/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Día 32 (13/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Está teniendo un stretch espectacular! Día 33 (14/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Día 34 (15/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Detecto unas ligeras manchas en las hojas de abanico más antiguas que parecen carencia de CalMag Voy a regar durante unos días con mezcla de H2O RO + H2O del grifo (Tap Water) con una resultante EC 0,45 Día 35 (16/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O EC 0,45 Khalifa Genetics - 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Día 29 (10/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Detecto una ligera deficiencia de Magnesio. Aplicación foliar de sales de Epsom a 2 g/L Día 30 (11/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Día 31 (12/02) Riego con 400 ml H2O RO Día 32 (13/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Está teniendo un stretch espectacular! Día 33 (14/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Día 34 (15/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O RO Detecto unas ligeras manchas en las hojas de abanico más antiguas que parecen carencia de CalMag Voy a regar durante unos días con mezcla de H2O RO + H2O del grifo (Tap Water) con una resultante EC 0,45 Día 35 (16/02) Riego con 500 ml H2O EC 0,45 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Привет садовники !
Still moving along , missed a week on it but nothing really missed with that. Continuing with the Pro-blend upped the ml alil bit but she was pretty pale so added a few ml more to her feed.. Added silica this week aswell as Recharge.. Dropped a handful of leaves to let light reach the lowest parts better and lower the humidity in the lil clone tent she's in. Really filling out, shooting tons of leaves, multiple nodes going on curious to see how she grows from here on. But not much to note, letting her take her time , won't be flipping till she's about 20/24in tall. That's about it for the update. Appreciate the likes and everyone's time to check out any of the posted grows !!
Smell like grape Kool-Aid
She came out to be a pretty noce plant, very small with little stretch tho and very bushy so I'm definitely gonna run her again and see what the other phenos might look like.. I'm feeding them everyday now the cherry gusher and runtz are doing alot better than the og so I will definitely run these again, but I will be using a little smaller pots i suppose... I want to fit more plants in there to use up the space better and a bit faster since I'm going to be pheno hunting and taking clones in future to get the best out of here strains i have around 9 seeds of cherry gusher left i got the big pack as I knew i wanted this one for the beautiful looks and taste and effect i was told it has.. Happy growing!
She came out to be a pretty noce plant, very small with little stretch tho and very bushy so I'm definitely gonna run her again and see what the other phenos might look like.. I'm feeding them everyday now the cherry gusher and runtz are doing alot better than the og so I will definitely run these again, but I will be using a little smaller pots i suppose... I want to fit more plants in there to use up the space better and a bit faster since I'm going to be pheno hunting and taking clones in future to get the best out of here strains i have around 9 seeds of cherry gusher left i got the big pack as I knew i wanted this one for the beautiful looks and taste and effect i was told it has.. Happy growing!
Die Blütewoche 6 startet und die Ladies bekommen Futter. Das wird eventuell sogar die letzte Nährstoffzugabe vor der Ernte - mal schauen. Ich habe auf 12ml/l je Pflanze erhöht. 🤞🏻 Die Blüten wachsen und werden immer harziger. Ich habe noch ein paar Blätter entfernt um für bessere Zirkulation zu sorgen und mehr Licht an die unteren Triebe zu lassen.
Heavy feeding really don’t give it plain water the uva light are helping . But did some defoliation.