DAY 3 I have started this seed same day with the papaya and they have sprout together like brother and sisters. This seed will be in the same tent with the RDWC in the center of the tent. I have plant it directly in to the 5 gallon fabric (final pot) DAY 4 My little seed is a bit shy and refuse to take the coat out but it grows on heigh. DAY 5 Room temperature 26-27C RH 65-70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 This is the first day in seedling stage. The nut fell off and I have beautiful set of leafes. DAY 6 Room temperature 26-27 RH 65-70 EC 1.0 PPFD 220 Light cicle 20/4 So far the things are going grate, my first coco run looks pretty safe. I plan to start athena supplementation in about a week from now or at least in the moment I see a good set of leafes. DAY 7 Room temperature 26-27 RH 70 EC 1.0 PPFD 220 Light cicle 20/4 In the 5 gallon fabric the water is pretty much enough. I know most people say that you can't over water COCO but I still don't think that much is always good even in coco. I'll skip watering today becose the pot is not even close to dry on the surface. I'll give it a go tomorrow morning. It's basically not the faster grower in the family but I beleave the grow is happening underground and soon we will see it on the surface. DAY 8 Room temperature 26-27 RH 70 EC 1.0 PPFD 220 Light cicle 20/4 It's all good I'm waiting for the flowering stage and training to start. DAY 9 Room temperature day 26 Room temperature night 22 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 Light cicle 20/4 I'm still watering once on every 2 days becose the temperature here is not so high and the coco stays moist most of the time. Soon I'll receive my moisture meter and ill be ready to check it correctly plus I'll give details on the runoff, becose for now the runoffs are still stable, assuming the fact that this is still seedling. DAY 10 Room temperature day 26 Room temperature night 22 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.8 PPFD 220 Light cicle 20/4 I decided to feed a little bit more of cal mag so I put base of 0.8 calmag. Things are looking well. DAY 11 Room temperature day 26 Room temperature night 22 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.8 PPFD 220 Light cicle 20/4 Okay hands down I'm happy with the first pair of leaves, so far so good from the next week I'm starting Athena and let's hope it will get the job done. Something is telling me that I'll be using PRO line for Flowering, bit the VEG will be blended for sure. DAY 12 Room temperature day 26 Room temperature night 22 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.8 PPFD 300 Light cicle 20/4 Not like RDWC coco is going slower and this feels strange but I believe it's all good. DAY 13 Room temperature day 26 Room temperature night 22 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.8 PPFD 300 Light cicle 20/4 That's more like it, in the end of the week we will be in veg. DAY 14 Room temperature day 26 Room temperature night 22 RH day 60% RH night 60% EC 1.8 PPFD 300 Light cicle 20/4 DAY 15 RH 55-60 RH Night 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 275 pH 6.0 PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.2 We ar super close to veg, a few more days. Usually I'd say that this is the start of week one, but I want to start a fresh week from Sunday so it will be counted from Sunday to Sunday. DAY 16 RH 55-60 RH Night 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 275 pH 6.0 PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.0-1.2 Foliar feeding. I started foliar feeding with Athena Stack. This one is a bit behind, but I believe that is becose of the size of the pot. Five gallons pot gives a lot of space for the roots to come in, soon I will ha e one fast growing bastard it's just a bit delied. Anyway next week ill mark veg day one.
DAY 1 The seed is in the cup. DAY 2 We have a little tale. I can't believe how fast is happening while submerged in water cup, from now on ill use this method only 🤣I have moved the seedling directly in to the coco. This will be it's first and final pot only 2 liters 70/30 coco/perlite. I'm still not that skillful to try with 1L or less pot, but micro growing looks fun for me. It's already day 3 and I can see the sprout. The boys from Fast Buds and their seeds are no joke. I chose this strain becose is basically the shortest in fast buds collection. The general idea for this run is to be quick. 75 days at its best and longest. I don't plan on fimming or topping the plant. Generally I don't plan even to train it, the only think I want from.this run is to to see how quick it can go in coco with athena and how quickly it will flower. we have a real seedling over here still hiding in the shell, but this one looks great in his little 2L pot. DAY 4 RH 70% PPFD 180 Room Temp: 27C the shell fell off and now my little Papaya is getting direct hit by the grow light. DAY 5 RH 70% PPFD 180 Room Temp: 27C EC 240 PPFD 220 My small papaya is doin grate. I started to add a little fertilizer in the water just to keep the cube charged a little bit. It's time to feed a little bit light so now the PPFD is around 200-220 and it will stay like that probably until veg. DAY 6 Room temperature 27-29 C RH 60-70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 So far my favorite plant this run. I'm really excited to see my micro run if it is successful. It will need a lot of care becose small pot means a lot of hand care, but this will be good for my connection with the plant. DAY 7 Room temperature 26-27C RH 70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 No watering today the coco is pretty wet so probably tomorrow morning. My micro is showing significantly nice grow for now i beleave it will be in veg until next week. DAY 8 Room temperature 26-27C RH 70% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 Slow but steady. The small one looks happy, few more days and ill start Athena nutrients by their feeding chart. DAY 9 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% EC 1.0 PPFD 220 EC 1.0 My little cowboy is doing grate it's still far from veg but I'm not in a hurry. DAY 10 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 60% RH night 55% PPFD 220 EC 1.8 A little bit of Cal mag is never too much, so I increase the feeding EC to 1.8 and probably from Monday I'll move to 3.0 with blended line. DAY 11 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 220 EC 1.8 VPD 1.5 Nothing more dan a good picture. Minor grow of leaves but nothing impressive for now. Not like I expected much, after all it's coco, it's not RDWC. DAY 12 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 300 EC 1.8 VPD 1.5 Strange but PAPAYA is going faster dan gorilla in coco. It's interesting race for me in the coco media. DAY 13 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 450 EC 2.5 VPD 1.5 I have increased a little bit the cal-mag and I have added some Silica from one old xpert nutrition bottle left from previous run. I do believe soon this little champ will be in to veg. DAY 14 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 450 EC 2.5 VPD 1.5 We are in the big boys club even a little early but anyway now we are directly under the new light 1500W GML TARANTULA VOYAGER. Nice shot of 400-450PPFD for 20h a day. DAY 15 Room temperature DAY 26-27 Room temperature night 22-23 RH day 70% RH night 60% PPFD 450 EC 2.5 VPD 1.5 All good we are almost in VEG. DAY 16 RH 55-60 RH Night 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 2.8 pH 6.0 PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.3 Welcome to veg, I'll not start week one veg today I'll start it in Sunday, bit obviously in less dan 10 days this flower is already in veg. I do like to count everi day from the seed but if we look rational its only day 10 days. And just like the gorilla, Papaya is showing amazing results in no time, it's just amazing. DAY 16 RH 55-60 RH Night 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 2.8 pH 6.0 PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.3 I started foliar feeding with Athena Stack. With or without my wish, tomorrow is going to be day 1 Veg. Amazing speed it's time to bring the real deal with Athena, let's see how blended works for Coco on their feeding program 1:1. I have pretty amazing time in germination and most importantly this genetic shows true power and obviously is pretty tolerant.
Que onda banda! dejo la actualización de esta auténtico monstruo. En estos 20 días de floración, la planta se estiró demasiado, tanto que tengo problemas con la altura de la luz. No he medido cuanto se estiró, pero se estiró más de 30cm!. Ya ha mostrado una buena cantidad de pistilos en sus copas, estoy a la espera de ver los primeros cálices para alimentarla con Feeding PK Booster. Sus ramas son super vigorosas, las copas prometen que darán cogollos largos (ojalá). Esta está un poco más avanzada, su floración dura entre 50 y 55 días según el banco. Gracias por leer el post! buenos humos y unos saludos desde argentina 👺
15.09.2024 DAY 20/1 RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 320 pH 6.0 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.3 Okay we are in Vegetative stage officialy. This week I'll keep the EC on the same level as the previous week becose following Athena program I'm supposed to keep this level ov EC for the first week in VEG. If I notice any deficiency I'll jump directly in week 2. For now the ladies are doing grate, it almost feels like they can use a little bit more fertilizer, but better less dan over fed, so I'm not taking the risk for now. By the way forgot to mention that now we are officially removing the supplemental LED and this little fighters are directly under the GML TARANTULA VOYAGER. DAY 21/DAY 2VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 305 pH 6.23 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 I love to start training them as early as i cen. Day 2 and we are in LST. I don't plan on stopping or fiming anything in this run so basically we will see what is going the be result with basic LST and Scrog NET later in to flowering, when we put them in a separate buckets. Roots are more dan stable, Athena works amazing I don't know how it happens but my water is getting low and my EC doesn't change, they are so well absorbed and so stable in RDWC. I'm starting Stack this week and I'll foliar feed them 1-2 times a week. Probably every 3 days or kind of. DAY 22/DAY3 VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 275 pH 6.0 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1-1.3 I decided to stop the LST and keep the training for little later but accidentally topped/snapped one of the plants so basically it's too late and now one of them is topped. The good news is that it's early stage and it will have all the time to recover. Otherwise all the flowers are going great. I never experienced stems so strong and woody. I don't know is it becose of Athena or it's the genetic but this little plants in RDWC already have strong stems and obviously no cal-mag deficiency. I'll run 3 untopped plants vs one topped and obviously I'll have to gamble strong with scrogging and LST in the later stage. DAY 23/DAY 4VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 275 pH 6.2 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.2-1.3 This strain is amazing and the combo Athena/RDWC gives amazing results I have never expected Root development on that level plus strong stems and leaves. DAY 24/DAY 5VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 335 pH 5.9 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.2-1.3 Foliar feeding ATHENA is crushing it for me. I can't believe how well is working and this is just week one Veg. The flowers have strong stems and they go really healthy. I have started a foliar feeding with stack. I have never used foliar before and it will be interesting for me to see the results. I still can't believe the results only 24 days from seed pop. If we don't count this period it's week 2 and this is ridiculously fast.
15.09.2024 DAY 20/1 RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 320 pH 6.0 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.3 Okay we are in Vegetative stage officialy. This week I'll keep the EC on the same level as the previous week becose following Athena program I'm supposed to keep this level ov EC for the first week in VEG. If I notice any deficiency I'll jump directly in week 2. For now the ladies are doing grate, it almost feels like they can use a little bit more fertilizer, but better less dan over fed, so I'm not taking the risk for now. By the way forgot to mention that now we are officially removing the supplemental LED and this little fighters are directly under the GML TARANTULA VOYAGER. DAY 21/DAY 2VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 305 pH 6.23 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 I love to start training them as early as i cen. Day 2 and we are in LST. I don't plan on stopping or fiming anything in this run so basically we will see what is going the be result with basic LST and Scrog NET later in to flowering, when we put them in a separate buckets. Roots are more dan stable, Athena works amazing I don't know how it happens but my water is getting low and my EC doesn't change, they are so well absorbed and so stable in RDWC. I'm starting Stack this week and I'll foliar feed them 1-2 times a week. Probably every 3 days or kind of. DAY 22/DAY3 VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 275 pH 6.0 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1-1.3 I decided to stop the LST and keep the training for little later but accidentally topped/snapped one of the plants so basically it's too late and now one of them is topped. The good news is that it's early stage and it will have all the time to recover. Otherwise all the flowers are going great. I never experienced stems so strong and woody. I don't know is it becose of Athena or it's the genetic but this little plants in RDWC already have strong stems and obviously no cal-mag deficiency. I'll run 3 untopped plants vs one topped and obviously I'll have to gamble strong with scrogging and LST in the later stage. DAY 23/DAY 4VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 275 pH 6.2 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.2-1.3 This strain is amazing and the combo Athena/RDWC gives amazing results I have never expected Root development on that level plus strong stems and leaves. DAY 24/DAY 5VEG RH 55-60 Room temperature day 26C Room temperature night 21-23C EC 335 pH 5.9 Water temperature 19.5-20C PPFD 400 Light cicle 20/4 VPD 1.2-1.3 Foliar feeding ATHENA is crushing it for me. I can't believe how well is working and this is just week one Veg. The flowers have strong stems and they go really healthy. I have started a foliar feeding with stack. I have never used foliar before and it will be interesting for me to see the results. I still can't believe the results only 24 days from seed pop. If we don't count this period it's week 2 and this is ridiculously fast.
Time flies, we have arrived in a flash at day 16, it seems like the other day that the first young ladies were appearing on September 1st. "Do you remember.....nanannana Septermber" She is Cosmic Noodles, a brand new strain from Zamnesia, so with little feedback but lots of expectations that we are here trying to make come true. In this case we are succeeding greatly, the plants are very pretty, one specimen is really gorgeous and super advanced for only being on day 16. The plant is at low/medium internodal distance and develops a very beautiful structure and leaves. We are very very very slightly under fertilization, I am trying to be perfect for the Zamnesia elves and I try to notice, whip myself and fix every mistake, even the smallest one. In this case we are a little under fertilization, in fact the plant is perfect, only that I went easy with the Grow to avoid over instead the Plagron tables, especially if created to measure, are very effective, follow them and you will not have problems. --- feeding program - As I mentioned I was shy about fertilizing and the seedlings are slightly, very slightly faded, let's learn to notice these small signs and with normal doses after two or three waterings we should be fine. You have to look at the plants guys. - Power Roots - 1ml/l - Alga Grow - 2 ml/l (instead of 4 ml/l I made this mistake) - Pure Zym - 1 ml/l - Sugar Royal - 1ml/l - Vita Race - 0.5 ml/l - The 100% Organic pack by Plagron can be found on Zamnesia at the link: We are giving a lot of humidity with a humidifier and we oscillate between 65% and 70%. // Strain Description //cross of Alien OG and Rollercoaster Haze, Cosmic Noodles offers excellent yields and extraordinary aromas. This variety is very powerful, contains 25% THC and produces intense and long-lasting effects. Stimulating and relaxing at the same time, Cosmic Noodles causes an energizing cerebral effect that fades over time becoming soothing at a physical level. - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- buy on - Growbox and air system --- - Light - Sp3000 - - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ----
Entramos en semana 7, aquí mostramos la Strawberry Gorilla de @fastbuds , desprende un gran olor a fresas. Deseando que termine de madurar y compactar a ver qué tal queda. 3 semanas aproximadamente.
Nueva poda de apicales y una de silicio. Con 26 dias Harto de los plomos me deshice de ellos y así seguiran creciendo , tal cual quedaron. No pretendo hacerles mucho más, más adelante igual doblamos alguna rama para guiarla y quitar algun chupóptero. A los 26 dias también se subió la potencia del lumatek al 75%. unos 220 W. áprox. y así pasaran hasta que se cambie el fotoperiodo.
Esta semana empieza con sol y termina nublado. Parece que ya dejaron de crecer 172 ctms la nº1 y 152 la nº4. A partir de ya deberian ser los cogollos que empezarian a engordar. Esta semana iniciamos con el Bud para mirar de potenciar un poco más los cogollos.
Day 58 - week 4 of flowering started.. day 22 of flowering .. Did some defoliation after week 3 of flowering, cut the low small branches, in order of more light penetration.. plant is really tall, one of my biggest plant ever, and the breeder says in the catalog this is hybrid 50/50.. but in comparison with the other in the tent it days is smaller.. anyway I am happy, hopefully it will fatten up as we do like too.. it’s getting realy frosty already 🌬️❄️
Time flies, we have arrived in a flash at day 16, it seems like the other day that the first young ladies were appearing on September 1st. "Do you remember.....nanannana Septermber" She is Cosmic Noodles, a brand new strain from Zamnesia, so with little feedback but lots of expectations that we are here trying to make come true. In this case we are succeeding greatly, the plants are very pretty, one specimen is really gorgeous and super advanced for only being on day 16. The plant is at low/medium internodal distance and develops a very beautiful structure and leaves. We are very very very slightly under fertilization, I am trying to be perfect for the Zamnesia elves and I try to notice, whip myself and fix every mistake, even the smallest one. In this case we are a little under fertilization, in fact the plant is perfect, only that I went easy with the Grow to avoid over instead the Plagron tables, especially if created to measure, are very effective, follow them and you will not have problems. --- feeding program - As I mentioned I was shy about fertilizing and the seedlings are slightly, very slightly faded, let's learn to notice these small signs and with normal doses after two or three waterings we should be fine. You have to look at the plants guys. - Power Roots - 1ml/l - Alga Grow - 2 ml/l (instead of 4 ml/l I made this mistake) - Pure Zym - 1 ml/l - Sugar Royal - 1ml/l - Vita Race - 0.5 ml/l - The 100% Organic pack by Plagron can be found on Zamnesia at the link: We are giving a lot of humidity with a humidifier and we oscillate between 65% and 70%. // Strain Description //cross of Alien OG and Rollercoaster Haze, Cosmic Noodles offers excellent yields and extraordinary aromas. This variety is very powerful, contains 25% THC and produces intense and long-lasting effects. Stimulating and relaxing at the same time, Cosmic Noodles causes an energizing cerebral effect that fades over time becoming soothing at a physical level. - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- buy on - Growbox and air system --- - Light - Sp3000 - - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ----
Transplanted into a 2 gallon for veg cycle. Topped and put some bud clip trainers on mains. Smells skunky and sweet already.
Nach wie vor nahe zu täglich mit knapp 200ml gegossen pro Pflanze. Heute sind mir die leicht nach oben gewölbten Blätter aufgefallen, hab die Lichtstärke um 25% erhöht auf 50%, Abstand blieb bei 25cm (Hersteller Angaben)
9/17 Didn't know this was a new week or I would've taken more pictures. I'm glad I took those two plants. As it dries and I start to trim I could see where it could've turned to rot real easy. It rained enough last night to soak all the girls. The two bottoms I harvest look like the have pm on them. If so I'll wash it or through it in the concentrate bag. Found a few colas a dropped which will go in the concentrate bag. Scoping the toasted toffy and the event horizon and the both look AMAZING! I've scoped the others and I'm extremely impressed. They may be difficult to grow strains but they have high cannabinoid content. The sherb cream pie has really come to life and turned totally purple with beautiful flowers. The girl in the 50 has several soda can sized buds. I hope this weather holds up. I don't like flowers this size getting wet. The sativa leaning hydrid us the only one I may have trouble with. It's only in a 10 gal but it's enormous! If needed I coyld bring it inside at night. The buds look like cat tails. I'm used to growing indica dominant strains. Plant us super healthy though. I'll be intrigued jail for a while and I've gotta make contact with whoever is going to do my extracts. I'll keep this updated. It's a lot of work bur it's worth it. 9/18 WATERED EVERYTHING I GALLON BUT THE BOTTOMS OF THE 2ND EV AND THE TT WHICH EACH GOT A HALF. Since harvest I've noticed some pm spring up on the toasted toffy. Looking at the other event horizon through a scope the trichs are all milky with some amber. I'm just waiting for A LITTLE more amber. And for me to have time and or room. I decided to harvest the tops and majority of one of my event horizon and toasted toffy. Today during an inspection I found a couple grey mold branches and some botrytis on my big GMO on the back. This plant is done. It's by far the furyhest ahead. Septoria effected the yield a little but pistols were retracted and amber was at like 10%. I thought about it and I watched the plant next to it with the pm have a branch I supported just "slough off". Right in my face. I figured if there was a sign tjis was it. I cut that rot off and put the buds from the branch in a bag and froze them then I went around and harvested the limbs on the other plant that were furyhest along. I took about half of it. I could've taken more and maybe I should've but I'm tired. I also noticed a couple spots of grey mold on the plant in the 50. All the leaves were falling off. I finally scoped it and it was right whetr I wanted it to be. Looking at the colors I'm glad I spent so much time the past few days. That one I hung whole. The sherb cream pie has something eating the fresy shoots (probably ear wigs. But the buds are fattening and the trichs aren't quite there. I'm going to let the rest of this stuff go ad long as possible. With the exception of the other event horizon. I finally tried it. It's fucking killer. I could take that plant now. The only reason I'm not is because I have to much work on my husband's as is. I'll do some videos amd pictures but I'm tired as fuck. Got to try event horizon. Very fucking impressed! 9/19 The past 3 days I've been working 5 a.m. to dark. I went back and harvested the bottoms of the toasted toffy and event horizon 1. After injury from harvest they contracted wpm. I used this as a learning experience and put some away in the freezer for concentrates and used a peroxide and water bucket. That's what kills the p.m. anyway. I hung them and they spun in the wind. I blew them lightly with a leaf blower before putting them ok strings I had previously setup with a fan in front of it. I kicked ass today. Toasted toffy got sampled and did NOT disappoint. I had it in a jar though and it was green so I'm not counting this. I do have some dry. I have indoor left too. Like in the video that one GMO looks like it's fucking dying or something. I'd rather cut it and use it for concentrates if it effects my healthy plants. I just checked on that plant in the 50 I hung. It looks amazing under the scope and smells better. Decisions, decisions. I do have a few calls I should make sooner rather than later. We are supposed to be getting rain. 9/20 The past 3 days have been hard. The wife's medical stuff is acting up and I had to tend to harvesting a few. My whole body hurts. I even did my first bud wash yesterday! The ev and tt I took and left some buds on ended up covered in pm. So I decided fuck it and tried bud washing. I also froze some for extracts. Speaking of which I need to male contact with whoever I'm going with this year because I think I've reached the point of diminishing returns on that dieing GMO. When it comes to grey mold and botrytis I don't fuck around. Winds are really high today. Putting the scope to the sherb pie is making me second guess myself too. Oh well. It's not going to rain today. And if needed I can move them in the barn. If I get ahold of Mt processor I'll chop that GMO and bring it right there. The other thing is that I've got tons of weed and a lot of its hanging so I've gotta find someone that will do a batch of live rosin then like a elbow of dry. This is the best part of the year. We'll It's supposed to be. Cutting down good plants us bittersweet. I don't mind chopping that one gmo a little early though because it's close to hitting the point of no return. That little sativa dominant hybrid in the ten is HUGE! The buds are swelling like crazy too. It's got a COUPLE septoria spots but this thing is resilient and easy to move around. This will finish perfectly. So far I'm happy with what I have. I'm GRATEFUL. The two September plants I tried were GREAT. A 90/10 and an 80/20 and they both suprised me and got me exactly whete I wanted to be. I'll keep things updated. I did a video I'll upload