Start week 6! Looking nice and starting to fatten out! Can’t wait for harvest time! PATIENCE! Very happy so far with how they are all doing!
The trichomes are starting to make themselves known On this one, also the smell is becoming a citrus like aroma which is one of my favorites, also No signs of deficiencies or anything yet so I hope it stays that way.
These plants are absolutely filling up the 5x5, if they keep it up I may have to remove one. I filled the reservoir with 6 gallons of water at midnight the other night and by noon the next day it was empty. They are avg about 1.5gal a day and it's going up.
No hay mucho que comentar, sigo añadiendo humedad pulverizando con agua destilada 3 o 4 veces al dia. Y riego en cuanto veo que está "seco" A los 18 dias les hice un foliar con Hemplex , un bioestimulador.
Placed directly in soil of fabric pots and hose watered from our well. The water is mineral heavy and alkaline AF may be an issue later?
3.2.2024: Start of week 7 from seed. Fed 1/4 fox farm trio nutes plus calmag. 64oz at 6.5ph. There's some clear nute burn on the leaf tips but she's doing well. Super puffy bud sites with tons of long white pistils. Few random orange hairs here and there. 3.3.2024: Day 44 from seed. Steady as she goes. No change to current state. 3.4.2024: Watered 64oz at 6.5ph. No change...chugging along. 3.5.2024: Day 46. Buds are forming nicely. Some red hairs and trichomes on the sugar leaves. 3.6.2024: Day 47. Fed again at 1/4 strength with 3/4 gal of 6.5ph. Runoff tested at 6.49 just around 1000ppm. Solution going in was 300ppm 3.7.2024: Day 48. Plant doing its thing. One fan leave on the top has a touch of brown/red spotting. Can't tell if its light/nute related. Good bud development all around. 3.8.2024: Day 49, end of week 7 from seed. Watered 96oz at 6.38ph. Runoff ppm at 1050 with ph at 6.7. She appears to being doing great. Super stoked to see the bud development over the past week. I'm thinking the reddish hues the top sugar leaves are showing might be purple which is kinda cool. Doesn't seem like a deficency.
3.2.2024: Start of week 7 from seed. Fed 1/4 fox farm trio nutes plus calmag. 64oz at 6.5ph. There's some clear nute burn on the leaf tips but she's doing well. Main cola is stacking nicely. Few random orange hairs here and there. 3.3.2024: Day 44 from seed. Steady as she goes. No change to current state. 3.4.2024: Watered 64oz at 6.5ph. Chugging along. 3.5.2024: Day 46. Buds are forming nicely. Clipped 8 fan leaves blocking bud sites. 3.6.2024: Day 47. Fed again at 1/4 strength probably around 3/4 gal at 6.5ph. Runoff is 6.49 at 1100ppm. 3.7.2024: Day 48. Nothing doing today. Main cola is stacking nicely, outer branches have some good but smaller buds. Long way to go but no idea how these will fatten up. 3.8.2024: Day 49, end of week 7 from seed. Watered 96oz at 6.38ph. Runoff ppm at 1050 with ph at 6.7. She appears to being doing great. Super stoked to see the bud development over the past week.
Hello grow friends, Today is the start of Week 7 and it‘s day 40 of groth for the plants. It‘s safe to say, they transitioned nicely into flower and spread evenly throughout the tent. It was pretty time consuming to get enough light to the lower branches but it seemes to be paying off. At the start of next week, I have a heavy defolition planed so at day 21 of flower most of the fanleaves will be cut off. This will help tremendously with the high humidity i‘m dealing with. Somehow I still manage to get it down but I still have a job to go to and not much time to devote. Anyways, c you soon guys and have a great start to the week. 🤟🏼
3/4/24-Here we are with the ladies goin to their second week. Yay baby flowers 💚 Have a few things going on. I apparently suck at the trellis thing lol. At flower they were all pretty even..I would tuck a few stragglers that got taller under. They’ve went crazy now and I don’t really have anywhere to tuck them other than away from the lights which I don’t wanna do. There was some discoloration on the tips of leaves which I assumed was light or nutrient related, so I dimmed lights a bit and checked the runoff water. Omg. It was wayyyyy too acidic. Like high 4’s low 5. Some leaves also appear to be showing magnesium deficiency.. which I assume is because of the crazy acidity. I’m giving dechlorinated tap water (no normal nutes) without phing it because it’s very alkaline. Hoping it will bring things back up. Oh, I sprinkled epsom salt on the soil before watering. (Magnesium) Really crossing my fingers that I am doing the right things and don’t screw this up! These ladies still look really good to me considering.. but only time will tell.
Flattened canopy a little by bending and gently cropping stems over several days. Dropped hours of light to 16 and switched to a spectrum more suited to flowers. Will give her one more week to prepare and develop. INFINITY
2 weeks to flower in main tent. Red Hot May have had a little nute burn. Lighting is at 628 on Par meter. 78deg avg. Malt was accidentally super cropped. Healing from splitting her branch. Oozecake aka Judy is my prize now. She fought through some mold 1st week. Transplanted her with only 1 node. Then her 2nd transplant to 1 gallon she was stunted for a week.
2 weeks to flower in main tent. Red Hot May have had a little nute burn. Lighting is at 628 on Par meter. 78deg avg. Malt was accidentally super cropped. Healing from splitting her branch. Oozecake aka Judy is my prize now. She fought through some mold 1st week. Transplanted her with only 1 node. Then her 2nd transplant to 1 gallon she was stunted for a week.
Pretty sure these girls are now all stretched out... if not... they need to be 😆. Now cruisin' on autopilot. UPDATE 3/4/24 "B" is blowing my mind... everything's else seems on par but she's very robust nearly tripling her size. Think I've successfully maximized this tent. Time for these ladies to bulk up!
Day 40F Today Reservoir is currently empty & aqua-vale full on each autopot. I refill the tank with 10gal water + a mixture of boost 200ml then I’ll PH adjust & turn on my reservoir on day Day 45F. Last video i support the heavier branches with yo-yo
Mar 5 Watered fully for the first time last Friday. The plant is feeling light again today, Tuesday, so I'm going to water less than a gallon. I'm starting to LST to try and keep an even canopy. Looking good so far.
I’m thinking the girls need another week or two, getting very close but I do prefer indica effects so I’m waiting on that beautiful amber color yield might not be all there but quality is definitely showing 🔥💪 shoutout to 420 FASTBUDS for great genetics!