Week 6 - Bolt II - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM)
Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers)
63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks)
Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023
Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07]
Weeks Observations
After flip, #7’s Meristem switched to Alternate Nodes instead of the symmetric typical of Meristems. It also is a 9 leaflet plant. (One of 3)
End of week struggling with humidity, can’t bring below t68-69% with medium high inline fan. De-foliated bottoms again, super cropped Overly tall plants (4) to lower canopy, raised light to HIGHEST DISTANCE at 100% - ~680 PPFD across canopy. Will have to remove some lower growth tips that don’t reach with 2” of canopy.
Start of week:
- Dates: [2023-06-26: LJ2Q 43:B:2:1, 07–02-2023-07-02: LJ2Q 49:B:2:7 ]
End of Week:
- Plant Height Range: [ 13, 26, in]
- Water/Day/Plant: [420, ml]
- LightIntensity: [ 811, µMol//m2/s ]
- LightDistance: [ 19.5, in]
- TempAvg: [79.1 , °F]
- RH: [ 70, %]
- VPD: [ 0.75, kPa]
- Scotoperiod: [ 12, hrs]
- Feedwater per Day: [ 3360, ml]
- EC: [ 1.8, mS]
Environment NOTES:
- Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to
1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room
2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room
- CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700)
- OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200)
SOG Strategy
- Eliminate weak, funky plants
- @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?)
- Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation)
- Ref: https://hortamericas.com/blog/science/mastering-light-management-optimizing-crop-performance/'
- 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green
- CLEAN All Instruments before use
- Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100)
- Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s]
- Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr]
- Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr]
- Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 5-7) (F1-F3) # Last Week of Bolt!
- Temp: 78-82°F
- VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1
- Photoperiod: 12/12
- Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s
- Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart)
- Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal]
- EC: 1.1 - 2.2 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7
- Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5)
- Temp: 78-82°F
- VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1
- Photoperiod: 12/12
- Light Strength: 930 µMol/m2/s
- EC: 1.7
- Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9)
- Temp: 78-80°F
- VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2
- Photoperiod: 12/123
- Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s]
- EC: 1.7 # Week 9-11
- EC: 1.4 # Week 12
- EC: 1.1 # Week 13
- Finish (Week 14) ( F10)
- Temp: 78°F
- VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2
- PPFD: 750 peak
- Resin Bloom ONLY
- EC: 0.8
Rooted Leaf Hydro 1.7 - 2.0 EC (Half RLA,Hydro Chart, EC to Targets):
- Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal]
- SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal]
- PhotosynthesisPlus: [ 6, ml, gal]
Mon 26 Jun 2023 # Bolt 2
LJ2Q 43:B:2:1
- Canopy Grew 1.5”, Raising Light to Maintain Intensity
- Are we ready to raise EC to a Max ~ 2.0 mS? NO! Not Yet (If ever)
- We’re going through 4 Gallons in 3 Days
- [x] Refill w/ 6 Gallons Rooted Leaf Hydro Feed
- [x] Add 6 Gallons Filtered H2O to Reservoir
- [x] Add
- [x] Primer A: [ 48, ml, 6, gal]
- [x] Primer B: [ 48, ml, 6, gal]
- [x] Silica Skin: [ 24, ml, 6, gal
- [x] EC to 1.7 mS (1.8 MAX)
- [x] Mix 1 Gallon of FULL Flower Week 2 Nutes, EC: 1.2 @ Lights On @ 300 ml/plant: 2.4 Liters
- Primer A: [ 6, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 6, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 3, ml, gal]
- Calmag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal]
- Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal]
- Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal]
- Peak Bloom: [ 3, ml, gal]
- [x] @2300: Enable normal HYRDO Chart Feed @ EC 1.8, @ 67 ml/plant per 90 Minutes
Take Two Cuttings per Plant

- [x] Prep Clone Dome
- [x] Clean, Rinse, Dry
Clone Procedure
- [x] Cut 1” below desired node,
- [x] Immediately dip in Aloe Gel AND place tip in Rooting Plug
- [x] Apply Tag to Cutting
- [x] Create TAG for EACH Cutting
- [x] Load Rooting Tray with Pre-Soaked (Filtered H20, Fulvic Acids [Ful-Power) Rooting Plugs (FloraFlex 40/40)
- [ ] Take Cuts
- [ ] #5b
- [x] #1a
- [x] #1b
- [x] #5a
- [x] #6a
- [x] #6b
- [x] #7a
- [x] #7b
- [x] #8a
- [x] #8b
- [x] #10a
- [x] #10b
- [x] #11a
- [x] #11b
- [x] #13a
- [x] #13b
- [x] For 3 Weeks, monitor Humidity, Start with Vent’s CLOSED!
Tue 27 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 44:B:2:2

- Canopy Grew 1.5”, Raising Light to Maintain Intensity
PEAK Tent PPFD: [ 829, µMol/m2/s]

Peak DLI: [ 35.8, Mol/m2/s]

Center PPFD: [ 709, µMol/m2/s]

Center DLI: [ 30.6, Mol/m2/s]

Wed 28 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 45:B:2:3
Thu 29 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 46:B:2:4
- Tallest Grew ~ 2-1/4” ‘Overnight’ - Raised lamp to maintain minimum 19.5” Distance
Friday 30 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 47:B:2:5
Sat 01 Jul 2023
LJ2Q 48:B:2:6
Sun 02 Jul 2023
LJ2Q 49:B:2:7
- Added 5-1/2” overnight
- first ‘real’ pistils apparent.
- Can’t survive another week of 2-1/2 to 5 1/2 “ a day :-)
- I can’t get RH below 72, night or day. Need to defol lowers again, and remove sure ti be larf lowers.