Day 0. Look who is back ;)))))
Most stupid run ever from all my stupidities;)))))
Ex Green Tea bag and hopefully that girl will heal my ungrowers depression;))))
Suicide run, but I am ready !
My windows even look to west, so no direct sunlight for that girl, let's see !!!
Soil from my ex green house( to green house it went after growing indoors, so third cycle for same Biobizz AllMix soil)
All feed I showed, will be a punch of each to soil and then a bit mid veg and potash in mid flower
Maybe will watch pH, still thinking ;))))
This grow dedicated only for this :
Never understood policy, why companies push growers into uncomfort to show off good strains, stupid no ? ;))))
Day 6. Still no movement, so i pop one more to the pot a bit aside from first one, its cold at home for growing for sure ;))) ill give a week from now and then rethink if nothing starts ...
New Day 0. Seed has brownish root, either light pollution or pH. Didn't regulate pH, so most probably second...
Still don't know what caused issue of first two attempts, bought pH +- and Ecothrive bacteria, just 4 months ago I gave everything away , even sent light to Germany recently .... now 15£ spent again .... :)))) that b$tch has to bring 10g or its a bust ;))))))))
Happy Growing !