The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
*********************************************************************************************************** START OF WEEK The Hawaiian Lion (right) and Tricho Jordan (left) are the two plants that dominate the face-on tent photos, and for good reason. Each of those plants is twice the mass of either Chimera. The HL is superior in bud sites, resin, and terp intensity, but the Tricho and the good Chimera #3 are both not too far off in resin production and aroma profiles. The weird runt is frosting up too, so we're looking at getting something unique and quality from each. That is, if I don't muck this up. I fed last night, and as part of that process, I mix my nutrients in a four gallon batch at a double(ish) strength. I then add that to my reservoir, which is shut off at that time. This allows me to work in the res, to both get the ppms right and the ph within range. I just use plain water to level off the ppms and then I adjust for ph. What I didn't do last night is TURN back on the flow of water from the reservoir. However, you wouldn't have guessed it from how the plants woke up today (see first image). I normally check the bases of each plant daily, and in doing so today, I noticed that one felt slight dry. All tanks were empty, but all plant bases were somewhere between wet to moist. This is how I spot check, and it's worked in the past. This isn't the first time these tanks have had a catastrophic issue leading to an unexpected no flow sitch. There's a filter that sits between the reservoir tank and the primary feed line. That has unexpectedly clogged on me in the past, but with no deleterious effect to the grow. That was caught within a day as well by testing the plant bases. I don't blame autopot for either event. Obviously, last night I was a baked potato and just forgot a step. The clog is because I use yucca in my mix, which is an organic material that over time in the reservoir leads to build up. I'm afraid to introduce hydrogen peroxide into the set-up, so I'm just maintaining my reservoir by cleaning it fully every other week for now. I don't want to kill off the bacteria in the environment. I'm also using some fungus, too, so I'd rather promote coexistence of a microbiome than serialize it, especially considering the plants seem to be on pace. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** END OF WEEK Shit! I've got a herm. I've found four nanner clusters this week, all on the lower third-ish of the Hawaiian Lion. Someone, thankfully, spotted it in the purple flower pics. Turns out, while super fun to look at, those sweet violet flowers turned into harbingers of mother fucking doooooommm. I've never seen this before. I guess I've been fortunate, but I've also never had a camera this capable before either. I had no idea how small these pee pee's were. I guess I was expecting girth, but shame on me for not knowing. I rapidly learned as much as I could over the last two days, and I've come to the conclusion that I may or may not be screwed. The consensus on my situation ranges from either burn my tent down to thank ja for the blessings of feminized seeds. We're riding this baby out. I think I have fifteen to twenty days left and I think these little nanners might have been in action for ten days, hopefully less. I don't know what kind of damage will be done in that time, but honestly, I'm not too worried. While disappointing, my use case is a personal supply of bubble hash and flower rosin. If it's seedy, I'll wash most of it. I don't know what caused it, but I'm thinking a light leak or genetics. The environment is dialed and that plant hasn't shown one sign of anything less than vigor throughout. The spots that developed the purple flowers (lower bottom half to bottom quarter) are all in the vicinity of where I found the herms (four locations) and these locations are close to the edge of the tent along the zipper. I'm vigilant about keeping my tent and grow space in order, but a light leak can't be ruled out. I'll have to test that after the harvest. The herm flowers are minuscule and I'm surprised I found them. The camera was a great tool in this case. I sprayed the areas that I removed the nanners and then dried it, but for what it's worth, I think the damage was already done. That water bit felt more like ritual, but I'm still feeling optimistic that I'm not totally hosed.
Finale week flush and all my kids ready to be chop gotta sent them in to the 48 of dark room for some rest did an ice flush as well for extra trichome which is pretty cool leaves almost turn all yellow now and trichome are half amber half cloudy
Day 57 - Yesterday I noticed that the leaves are darker than they should be, so I re-made the mixing solution lowering the PPM from 750 to 550. I've tried to raise it to see how much nutes that ladies can handle since it's my first time in coco and I like to experiment. Now I'm going to finish this mixing solution and then stabilize the next ones on 650 PPM. Keep learning every day 🙏 Day 60 - Today I added one extra equivalent 75W LED to give the lower nodes more power. Some fan leaves touch it, wish they will not burn. New update in the next days.
Day 57 - Yesterday I noticed that the leaves are darker than they should be, so I re-made the mixing solution lowering the PPM from 750 to 550. I've tried to raise it to see how much nutes that ladies can handle since it's my first time in coco and I like to experiment. Now I'm going to finish this mixing solution and then stabilize the next ones on 650 PPM. Keep learning every day 🙏 Day 60 - Today I added one extra equivalent 75W LED to give the lower nodes more power. Some fan leaves touch it, wish they will not burn. New update in the next days.
She’s still a little burned. But growing very slow. Not much sun... cold, wet and windy Weather 👎🏻 Close to - 1 this morning... Think i gonna chop her Down before the rainy weather or the cold one kills her... But the buds are still so tiny Need a least 1 month😕 Any inputs guys?
Eating like a monster, adding 10 ml A+B daily I saw a bit of leaf discolouration Tuesday Changed reservoir s One eating 14 ml A+B daily This week I’ve added 100 ml A+B to Plant 1 and 68 ml to Plant 2
Mexican Joker Cannabiogen seeds Purple Mexican 16th October 2020 That is five weeks of flowering done for this girl. Nothing too flash but a lot of good sativas don't look all that crash hot lol 😉 the fattening stage is starting now so It's just up to me to provide water and she'll do the rest . 👊 Thanks for stopping by 👍
Growing very beautifuly and as intented. I changed the nutrition line to a brand where you feed it Once a week, and rest of the time use Phd Water. Im also adding a secret bloom booster! (Hint: It makes the water purple) More pictures from Week 12 are incoming. I have been busy harvesting my first plant ever(Cream Caramel in my diary) To avoid Caterpillar(Larvae) damage, I remove any fan leaves that has Damage, a larvae or larvae poop/eggs on it(black dots). Fortunally this plant has been much better than my previous one, I used Neem Oil treatment and it seems to work better, also I have fresh Peppermint, Lavender among other plants now in the garden that helps against different kinds of outdoor damage. As a precaution I am massively defoliating the plant, and on my other photoperiod plant, as an experiment I decided to remove big fan leaves of some of main bud sites, the ones I removed fan leaves on, had denser and bigger buds when harvesting. I also tried doing it 50/50 experiment on the plant last week of bloom, and even there I could see a difference in harvest weight. So I might continue with this, depending on how future harvests go. ✌️🏽💚
Everything was fine until the bottom leaves started to yellow and fell off. I checked the res and it didn't drink as much as it used to. Then i flushed the res and added plain ph-ed water and left it for 24 hours. Then i flushed again, added new water with 1/2 strength nutes but ph rised up from 5.7 to 6.3 after 24 hours. Corrected the ph by adding ph down directly into the res and added great white directly as well. After those two application, the leaves started to droop and i immediately changed the res with new water with 1/2 strength nutes. Now my plant looks like this. How can i fix this?
Ill have to update the final results in 4 weeks. Plants are still drying and I gave it my best guess.
Ill have to update the final results in 4 weeks. Plants are still drying and I gave it my best guess.
Nate ad aprile queste 3 gorilla glue xl assieme ad altre varietà dutchfem in outdoor sono state magnifiche! Nonostante la temperatura notturna calata drasticamente fino ad 8 gradi più pioggia, vento e sbalzi di temperatura vari, comunque le gorilla sono cresciute nel migliore dei modi, più di 700 grammi essiccata una sola gorilla dico si può pretendere di più da un seme femminizzato outdoor? Dolci fruttate e forti, ottime per uso ricreativo e medico.. La particolarità della gorilla xl di dutchfem è che è specialmente dolce e fruttata a tratti ricorda la torta di ciliegia.. Si sente che sono alte di thc.. Facili da crescere outdoor con le giuste attenzioni resistono a freddo, muffa e pioggia e non subiscono invasioni da insetti come altre varietà.. 10 e lode di voto, provare per credere! Bravissima dutchfem seeds!
Will definitely update this as I finish trimming and curing!
Nate ad aprile queste 3 gorilla glue xl assieme ad altre varietà dutchfem in outdoor sono state magnifiche! Nonostante la temperatura notturna calata drasticamente fino ad 8 gradi più pioggia, vento e sbalzi di temperatura vari, comunque le gorilla sono cresciute nel migliore dei modi, più di 700 grammi essiccata una sola gorilla dico si può pretendere di più da un seme femminizzato outdoor? Dolci fruttate e forti, ottime per uso ricreativo e medico.. La particolarità della gorilla xl di dutchfem è che è specialmente dolce e fruttata a tratti ricorda la torta di ciliegia.. Si sente che sono alte di thc.. Facili da crescere outdoor con le giuste attenzioni resistono a freddo, muffa e pioggia e non subiscono invasioni da insetti come altre varietà.. 10 e lode di voto, provare per credere! Bravissima dutchfem seeds!