12.03.2024 Continue into week two. Target EC is the same for this week Girls looking great Clean tanks and filters with h2o2+vinegar acid +bleach Replace all filters Mix new batch with 2ml AN connoisseur AB + Silica @ 1% H2o2 - total 30l Donne one pass off long misting 2m 700 PPFD @ center, VPD 1.0, RH 53-56% day, RH 45-48% night, Temp Night-20c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60-65cm, CO2 750+ppm 560w@60cm distance NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.9, EC -1.15, Temp-21c 13.03.2024 Top up tank with 10l off 1.2EC solution - 2ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters Before top up, nutrient solution in tank was 0.84, after adding 1.2EC new mix is 1.03 PH is slightly rising, normal when EC is drooping Girls grow nicely, no deficiencies, this week is start off stretchy faze Remove some big and bottom leves PAR 800 PPFD, VPD 1.0-1.1, RH 50-54%, Temp Night-21-22c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60cm, CO2 750+ppm 580w@60cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.92-5.99, EC -0.89-1.0, Temp-20-22c 14.03.2024 Position TrolMaster Tent-X Box on tent and connect to internet. Temperature ,Light and humidity sensor is great, I lake that all sensors and connector boxes are on RJ connectors Great and fast install, registration and connections off all cables, censors and light! Like ability to expand system with Aqua-X and Hydor-X for irrigation ,PH/ EC/Temp monitoring off nutrient tank Controlling solenoid valves and pump will be SUPERB!!! Recycling type off timer are great for Aero misting! With Inkbird equipment i have issues that all connections are permanent and if you have longer cables....😡 HLG Scorpion Diablo LED light is connect via LMA-14 light adapter ! Wow i can control dimming and timing off my light via Wi-Fi😀😊😎👏🙏🙌 PAR map 800max/600min PPFD, VPD 1.0-1.1, RH 50-54%, Temp Night-21-22c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60cm, CO2 750+ppm HLG Scorpion Diablo@83% 580w@60cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.95-5.99, EC -0.89-1.1, Temp-20-22c 15.03.2024 Top up tank with 15l off 1.2EC solution - 2ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters, still everything in pristine condition after every changing, nutrient solution in tank looking and smell fresh and clean. Reducing humidity in night time below 50% , humidifier rise temperature to 22-23c at night Day RH is 53%, in first two hours keeping temps and humidity lower to reduce deferential form night time to 1-2c Don't want to have more than 10-15cm off stretch in next week Girls drink more water and nutrients every day, think around 10-12l per day Managing EC strength with adding slightly higher nutrients solution when top up tank. Overall its around 0.9-1.0EC for most of the time PH is stabile , slowly rise in small increments. Need to adjust @ 6.2 to 5.9 every two-three days. Probably i will leave it to swing even more. Diablo is at 80% power @ 45-55cm from top canopy, 900+PPFD in center, lowest corners get 650+ PAR map 920max/650min PPFD, VPD -1.1, DRH 50-54%, NRH48-50%, Temp Night-21-22c, Temp Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 45cm, CO2 750+ppm HLG Scorpion Diablo@80% 580w@45cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.95-5.99, EC -0.89-1.1, Temp-20-22c 17.03.2024 Top up tank with 10l - 1.2EC solution - 1.8ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters, install one new. Total 5 mash filters + 2 disc filters Remove some large fan leaves from all girls. Nothing crazy. Next week is final BIG defoliation and pruning Clean room benches a little bit after defoliation. Whole week all girls are doing great , no sign off any kind off stress or deficiencies. Superb fast growth. Stretching is more apparent in the end off this week. Next week is going to be madness! 18.03.2024 Raise light 10cm , adjusting to canopy level.. HLG Scorpion Diablo@83%, Set sunrise/sunset dimming @ 30min - TrolMaster Tent-X PAR map 890max/650min PPFD, VPD -1.1, DRH 50-54%, NRH48-50%, NT-21-22c, DT-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 45cm, CO2 750+ppm Week 2 off Flowering in Summary 100l off RO water 190ml+190ml AN connoisseur A+B, 15g Big Bud Powder 70kW electricity in total for light, Pumps and AC Infinity Fans. 58kW for Light + 8kW Dehumidification + AC Infinity ventilation Week start @ 1.14EC, nutrient strength. Strength dropping every day by 0.1-0.2. Topping up tank with 1.2EC solution bring back strength to 0.9-1.0EC Start using AN Big Bud powder for day two off this week. For next slowly reducing Nitrogen and add more Big Bud. Next week start @ 1.2EC Girls look superb all time, Tropicana Cookies is short and bushy with lots off side branching. Need good defoliation next week . Flowering going nicely, obvious sign off formation off bud sites, pistils have shown an all girls. PH was stabile and move from 5.85 min to 6.2 max. Swing all week without chasing perfect number. Light distance start at 65cm from canopy finish week at 45-50cm , PPFD levels around 800-940 in center, trough whole week Temperature vary slightly from 23c at start off day to 26c max at some points. AC Infinity T6 extracting fan program in AUTO to kick in @ 26c Night temps around 21-23c, dehumidifier start to work at night time to bring down humidity, trying also to minimize Day/Night temperature differential for this week also Continue in next week at same environment settings and light strength..
I did some mistakes but i was still setting everything up, still happy after 5 without growing a plant, pretty dense buds i will do better in the next grows.
11/21 Mother#1,2 D85 13Week  #1Clone☓2 D63 SD42 #2Clone☓4 D53 SD32 #3Clone☓4 D52 SD28 Grow 1ml / Bloom 3ml/l Max 1ml/l = 1l #5 Clone☓12
I love this strain i got it from them a long while back and some reason. It made seeds every time but gives me a female every time also so cant complain and i love the smoke really great taste grows easy all around good buds!
Absolute nightmare grow.. It all turned out great in the end, but it's the first and last time i'm growing full size plants in a Aeroflo 40 system. Water leaks due to root clogging the system. Stems that had 1cm to the edge in a 7.5cm pot. Everything basicly went ballistic from the time it went into flower. I removed and cleared leafs before flowering, but these ladies kept growing. Aeroponics is the sickest thing i grown in so far, i just wish i was a bit more prepared for it.
Buds looking alright. Leaves have seen better days & I feel like she's dying on me... Swapped the light because my friend who 'claims he's an expert' told me too. Flushed 20th will go for a 2-week flush even with this flawless finish. (if they make it that long) My tap water is 360ppm & runoff is 415 after flush (30+L of PH'd water) I am definitely going to do a 48-hour dark period before harvest with no watering. Anything I'm doing wrong let me know!
Lkve this strain and will revist in the future. What can you ask for in a strain??? Strap in for a quick bloom. 54 days and ready to chop!!!! She can handel a good shot of nutes and can handle fluctuations in ppm well. Week 3 is always a fun week as the floweres swell at an incredible rate and seem to eat the stem they are attached to. Great strain fun fast grow. Oh and forgot to mention how fast the clones take root, 5-7 days "wow" Thanks for checking out my grow, hope you have success and best wishes growing forward!!! ✌️
Week 8. P Biddy. She's got the least foliage out of the 4 but the buds have come along nicely. Few of the big fan leaves and upper / newer leaves are showing signs of (I think) N deficiency; yellowing quicker than expected and getting crispy / papery. Top fed with some all mix and a healthy dose of biogrow and hoping it's the right call.
I love the buds, short and stocky. Covered in crystals, plant didnt get any aphids, and the other 3 growing in the same tent did.