04/02/24. Here we are starting week 6. Not too much has changed since last week. 2 of the girls leaves seem to be changing colors no matter what intensity of light I try, or what nutrients I give, or don’t. Both of their pistols have gotten really dark as well. #1 (middle plant) has stayed pretty dark green, pretty sure she has too much nitrogen before. Her pistols seem to be darkening much slower. It seems as the other 2 are very similar to each other, and seem more mature.
I figured they would maybe drink less water as time went on but instead it seems they are drinking more than ever. Some days the soil is so dry and they look droopy after having been watered thoroughly the day before. Others they seem alright, so watering schedule is typically every other day unless they demand more. I’ve been giving them about a gallon- watering in very slowly. I also gave them some tea, which I’ve listed up top. Trying to help their leaves. Maybe this is just normal, but I don’t know, just think it’s too early for colors.
The smell I mentioned in another week has gotten louder. I swear I smell spices mixed in there now too. It’s been nice out the past few days so I opened the windows. Oops. Could smell them outside. Smelled like weird spicy food cooking with a side of chemical, gas, and a skunk spraying? Yeah idk lol.