Chonga is doing nicely at 7", Cheecha still a little behind. The soil has been staying moist for awhile, even with light watering and I was worried about root rot. So, I let them go about a week without watering. After a light watering with the remaining 1 ml/2Qt nutrient/water solution (about 1 cup each plant), I took the plunge and decided to try Topping (or FIMing), which I did a few days after watering. I'm also concerned about soil PH. I've been testing it with the 3-in-1 tester, but it always reads about 7. I tried the thing out in pure vinegar, but it gave the same results. So, soil PH is anybody's guess. I eventually bought a digital PH tester for liquids. BIG CHANGE: On Day 27, I switched over to a new, 1200W LED grow light.