Day 71 - Starting week 11 and overall looking good still but have a ton of bracts/calyx that are not throwing out pistils. They seem to slowly be coming out on some but looking like I’ve got a ton of them without pistils and no buds actually forming, not sure if I’m explaining it right, all still fairly new to me. The only thing I can think to do is just let it ride for awhile longer and see what happens.
Day 73 - Looks like a few more bracts/calyx’s are starting to open and show more pistils. Some have thrown out a single pistil and started to shrivel already. She’s got a lot of milky trichs but still think she’s got a good couple of weeks left, hopefully she’ll fatten up quite a bit. Ended up giving her a gallon and a half of plain pH’d water today as well. Not sure why I didn’t research or why I didn’t think of it but she’s definitely foxtailing so hopefully cutting off one light will help slow it down a bit or something. She’s nice and frosty and stinky so not too worried about any ill effects from it but still not happy. I’m sure a combination of lights, a little heat and a screw up somewhere on my part stressed her out too much. Oh well, every grow is different and is a learning experience.
Day 74 - Still chugging along and even though she’s foxtailing, she’s starting to open up more and throw pistils. Other than that, not much else happening with her.
Day 76 - She’s still chugging along and not much to really update today. I know she’s foxtailing quite a bit but just letting her go to try and get as fat as she can. Still a lot of clear trichs and bright white pistils so a bit of time still left. She’ll need some water tomorrow for sure.
Day 77 - The end of week 11 and I’m probably gonna give her another week then possibly chop. She is just about all milky and just don’t see her fattening up much more. I did give her one more round of nutes today but that’ll be it until the end and just straight water from her on out. If I see some fattening up, then may let her go longer. I may possibly do a partial chop and then see what happens with the lower stuff.