The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Día 73 (12/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Todas las plantas muestras las preflores hembras! (excepto LemonPaya) Día 74 (13/08) Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 . Están muy bien hidratadas Pequeños ajustes de LST Día 75 (14/08) Hoy día de lluvias torrenciales Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 76 (15/08) Detecto mosca blanca en varias plantas. Aplico Spruzit a 10 ml/l ahora que aún no estamos en floración Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 77 (16/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 La mosca blanca ha desaparecido completamente Día 78 (17/08) No riego. Mañana a primera hora aplico Top Dress y riego profundo Va a empezar la floración! Día 79 (18/08) Alimentemos el suelo con Top Dress! 💥 Aplicamos 4 g/L sustrato de Tasty Flowers TD by Lurpe Solutions. Total = 84 gramos / maceta Riego con 1 Litro H2O pH 6,5 con 25 ml/L de Humus de Lombriz Liquido Aplicación foliar Kelp hidrolizado de Lurpe Solutions a 0,25 ml/l 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Sziasztok A középsőt le kellet vágnom a penész miatt...viszont nagyon erősen fejbe vág ...elcsavarja a fejet🤣🤣🤣 Ezt a törzset biztosan újra növesztem
74.nap A videón az első egy special kush kush Tegnap ketté lehúztam a lombkoronát mert sűrű volt..így több a fény és a levegő... Mindig 3.napon itatom
Gracias al equipo de Fast Buds 420 por la donación de las semillas y poder inscribirme en el concurso del año. Creada a partir de la genética de la Girl Scout Cookies y la Gorilla Glue #4, seleccionadas a mano y en combinación con nuestra famosa Gorilla Cookies Auto, esta variedad lleva todos los mejores atributos de sus padres al más alto nivel. Este híbrido maravillosamente equilibrado prospera en el interior y en el exterior, y en todo tipo de climas, a la vez que es superresistente a los bichos y las plagas. Es una productora masiva que ofrece a los cultivadores de todos los niveles rendimientos de hasta 650 g/m² de cogollos de primera calidad que no decepcionan en absoluto. Siendo una de las versiones más potentes de esta genética, la Gorilla Cookies FF (Fastflowering) presume de un enorme porcentaje de 29 % de THC que se traduce en montones de resina y terps sabrosos que hacen las mejores extracciones. Es la elección perfecta para los cultivadores de hachís que buscan cepas de gran potencia que produzcan sabores y aromas excepcionales. Consigue aquí tus semillas 😁🌻🚀: 📆 Semana 11 de floración: Es la planta mas grande y con mas resina de todas las que tengo, esta aceptando muy bien los nutrientes. Los cogollos continuan engordando y cargandose de resina. Riego una vez con nutrientes ec 1850 ph 6.2 y dos veces con agua reposada 2 dias ec 150. La planta sigue aceptando muy bien los nutrientes, los tricomas empiezan a tomar color, se acerca la etapa final.
Sorry it took so long for an update. I got married in the meantime and went on a honeymoon. Before I went though I took the plants down and had a friend take care of the drying and curing. It looks like I got 2 pheno's. One is has more red hairs and is a bit more skunky and peppery. The other has bit more sativa like bud forming and smells a bitt gassy in addition to the tangieness. The yield is also definitely not disappointing. Plant 1: 76gr Plant 2: 68gr Plant 3: 65gr Total:209gr I am happy with that. Especially since it's my first LED grow.
Sorry it took so long for an update. I got married in the meantime and went on a honeymoon. Before I went though I took the plants down and had a friend take care of the drying and curing. It looks like I got 2 pheno's. One is has more red hairs and is a bit more skunky and peppery. The other has bit more sativa like bud forming and smells a bitt gassy in addition to the tangieness. The yield is also definitely not disappointing. Plant 1: 76gr Plant 2: 68gr Plant 3: 65gr Total:209gr I am happy with that. Especially since it's my first LED grow.
Sorry it took so long for an update. I got married in the meantime and went on a honeymoon. Before I went though I took the plants down and had a friend take care of the drying and curing. It looks like I got 2 pheno's. One is has more red hairs and is a bit more skunky and peppery. The other has bit more sativa like bud forming and smells a bitt gassy in addition to the tangieness. The yield is also definitely not disappointing. Plant 1: 76gr Plant 2: 68gr Plant 3: 65gr Total:209gr I am happy with that. Especially since it's my first LED grow.
Sorry it took so long for an update. I got married in the meantime and went on a honeymoon. Before I went though I took the plants down and had a friend take care of the drying and curing. It looks like I got 2 pheno's. One is has more red hairs and is a bit more skunky and peppery. The other has bit more sativa like bud forming and smells a bitt gassy in addition to the tangieness. The yield is also definitely not disappointing. Plant 1: 76gr Plant 2: 68gr Plant 3: 65gr Total:209gr I am happy with that. Especially since it's my first LED grow.
This week has been a pleasure to experience,,,Pineapple Express is doing everything right,,, and as fast as possible I might add,,,! I’ve been able to get her pinned in the shape I wanted,,and I’m happy with how she setting up for the run home,,,a little extra Liquid Potash has been added to her diet,,,🍍
WEEK 2 FLOWER ⭐️NUTRIENTS USED ⭐️ Front Row AG Si .5ml per gallon Front Row AG Part A 3.3g per gallon Front Row AG Part B 2.2g per gallon Front Row AG Phoszyme .4g per gallon Front Row AG Bloom 2.6g per gallon Front Row AG Triologic 1ml per gallon Front Row AG CleanUp .2g per gallon This week the whole slate of Front Row AG nutrients are used. For my first experience using salt type nutrient, everything seems to be going well. No deficiencies and no signs of stress. Mixing is super easy and everything dissolves 100%. My lights were gradually raised by 5-10% every day until 100%. Beginning the week PPFD was almost 1000, now it is almost 1500 PPFD. To supplement all of the light these plants will get, high doses of CO2 are given during daylight hours. The room stays at 1500ppm at a minimum. By weeks end everything under the net will be stripped and the canopy thinned of all large fan leaves. One big stressful event, so the rest of flower the plants can be left alone to bloom. It’s best to do it once IMO. I believe things are right on track. Calyxes are already starting to form on all of the plants and things will only get better from here. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you next week.
The seeds had problems to sprout, but after the second week the plant exploded in growth. I have limited space so I am doing multiple harvests to try and maximize all buds. This week I harvested the tops and in the next 1-2 weeks will do the rest of the plant. Updated Week 8 harvest 68 dry Week 9 harvest 85 dry Week 10 harvest 34 + 25 (popcorn) dry Total: 212
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie erhalten 25 Prozent Rabatt in unserem Shop Mindestbestellwert beträgt 75 Euro Code: GD42025
So here we are! Time flies… they had quite the stretch after flip I flipped about a week ago, and they’re continuing to stretch and fill out. Defoliated the bottom a bit where no lights is reaching. Girls are happy so far, the OG that was straggling behind is also catching up even outgrowing the other OG. A little discolouration, however I’m not using nutes just guanakalong earth let’s see if it will be enough until end of flower… didn’t have quite enough earth so pots are full full but I hope good enough…
7/18 Plants are looking great. I was able to rearrange the plants so they have a little bit more space and so I can get around every plant. I have small random pest damage (i.e. I caught a four lined plant bug while hunting jpn beetles) but not enough h to warrant treatment. I will probably spray before flower. Sun's out amd plants were praying. I rotated a couple and it only took a few hours for them to "straighten out." I went to look again rhis morning and made the final determination to expand the cage. I'm looking for the 2x4's and the wire in the next couple days. The work that ive done now will but me sometime. I wonder how this rain impacted my soil. 7/19 Plants are looking fantastic. The stretch is starting. One purple punch looks like it's beginning to flower. I think I'm entering the transition period. Jpn beetle damage is evident but not significant. I defoliated a leaf with a a leafminwr or something in it. It's so much easier to get around the plants now. I'm seeing some chunks missing sporadically though. Went to the roses out back and found TONS of jpn beetleson top of each other reproducing. They destroyed that rose bush. I'm going to keep it as a trap plant. My dad's girlfriend wanted to spray it but that doesn't make sense as theflowers are all gone. Dad's grabbing the materials to extend the cage today I think. Right now I can get around every plant but the two big ones in the back. I just cant get to the backs of them and they are huge. Almost reaching the top of the cage. A 4'-6' extension will do wonders in flower. Can't wait. UPDATE: Dad got the 2x4's and we assembled the extension and attached it. He's grabbing the wire as I type this. This worked out beautifully. I had no idea how big the blueberry cheese in the 50 gallon was! This extension (4ft i think) is PERFECT! Then I can get a little extra wire and pull it out if I wanted to. I think I have another 2x4 that I'm going to use in the middle. Lots of great pics and a video I'll upload tomorrow. Hot af today and humidity still super high. Even the commercial dudes was surprised I don't have wpm l and that judging by some of my plants structure that I may do better than I think. I certainly hope so. I WATERED 3 GALLONS OVER THE WHOLE GARDEN. The blueberry cheese in smart pots were drooping. They drink far more water than tje others. I would've given more but we are supposed to have thunderstorms. I left my back tarp off for the night. It will increase airflow and wind is down. I feel like this is going to be my year. 7/20 I updated and loaded everything on the app but notjing would save. Did it again in the website hopfully this saves i didnt put it all up. Didn't water the plants today. Bags seemed okay weight wise. Good thing I did the extension yesterday because those three plants were drooping they were so thirsty. I focused most of the water yesterday on those plants that needed it. The others were somewhat dry but still had some weight. Like i said the blc drinks much more water than any of the other plants. I'm impressed with the growth I'm seeing. Especially since I have been being very stingy with the water and I've only fed like twice and that was just the kelp me/you and big bloom in negligible amounts. I'm watching for deficiencies. I'm just not seeing them. I'm picking up the wire and finishing the extension and then rearranging things. I'll update. UPDATE: WATERED 4 GALLONS CONCENTRATING ON THE PLANTS THAT WERE DROOPING THE MOST. FINISHED ENCLOSURE AND INCREASED PLANT SPACE. TRELLIS WILL GO UP THIS WEEK. VIDEOS WILL BE UPLOADED TOMORROW. 7/21 I should've watered more volume last night. I noticed two plants that seemed much lighter than the rest. After some deliberation I gave them each a half gallon of water. One was the purple punch in the 10 that's huge amd the other was that huge blueberry cheese. I think I'm going to swap places with them, take out a pallet and get some other way to elevate that ONE plant and I'll have even more room. Then I'll add my supports. It's a dream working in there now. I noticed some small interior leaves being used up and dieing. I defoliated them but it was only a couple. I'll need to start nutes at some point. Doesn't need it yet though. I'm going to add some kelp me/you for the heat stress. I need to get the watering down better but it's more difficult when they each have different needs. I kinda have to read the plant. I'd rather be overwatered than underwatered. I tried to upload what I could but some won't. UPDATE: I went over to clip off some fencing that was doubled up AND just to check on tge girls. Found two caterpillars (small but hairy so they were older not the inch worms and possibly what has been contributing to damage on those plants. Things are spread out so it will be harder for insects to move from plant to plant and I have better air flow. I worry that leaving my tarp off might lead to high winds and plants not able to take it buf I digress. I'll add supports later. Plants are huge and drinking far more water than I've been giving them. When I got there several were drooped right over and dry as a bone. The bags are essentially all roots now. I mixed up 8 gallons of water and split it between the plants. I gave less to the two Co trainer plants that weren't drooping and the 10 I watered yesterday that wasn't drooping but for the most part the ones that needed if got at least a gallon or more. The others a little under a gallon. It might rain A LITTLE tonight too. Oh, and since it's been so hot I added 1/2 tsp per gallon of kelp me kelp you to help the plants deal with heat stress. I also noticed that some of the very bottom interior leaves are being used up. I have a feeling ill need to switch to nutes pretty soon. Plus I need to suppirt those plants if I'm going to leave that tarp off and Gove them air. Took a video. But it won't upload here. I'll have to wait till tomm. 7/22 Didn't have much timevthis morning bit I dod a video. Boy those plants loved that water and that kelp. This morning everyone was standing straight up at attention. Supposed to get rain last night but didn't. Good thing I watered. I think I'm going to up the water next watering and then again to the 10% mark if necessary. Especially with the Blueberry cheeses. I'm noticing that a FEW INTERIOR leaves are showing nute deficiencies so I'm probably going to have to start feeding soon. I'll update later. UPDATE: Went back over and cut off the extra wire. I'm going to need to water more volume. Specifically on two plants. The two huge blueberry cheese in 20 gallon smart bags dries out much faster than the rest. I'll have to out that on a different schedule or increase the amount given. Next watering will be 1.5 or 2 gallons a plant and it might be tomorrow from what I was seeing. It's super hot and with the added airflow the bags dry out faster. I also went through EACH plant looking for pests and defoliating old leaves that needed it. Plants are still nice and green but a VERY few older interior leaves are showing deficiencies. I know this is Normal especially since they are trying n g to transition to flower. I also saw pest damage on a couple plants. Four lined plant bug. I already found the one on the other plant and killed it but I'm considering doing a spray before flower. I'm thinking either captain Jack as a "catch all", BT which works great but mostly just on pillars or the organocide bee safe 3 in one pesticide. I also have pyrethium and other things. Thus far picking things off manually has been good enough. At the very least they will get an application of BT very soon. 7/23 Held off on watering this morning. Supposed to get thunder storms I DID split a gallon with two blueberry cheese that were the lightest in the 20 gallon smart pots. Thet drink way more. My water volume is going to need to increase. We haven't had nearly enough rain. I'm going to bump it up to 1.5 to 2 gallons each plant which will be 10% for the 20s and a little less for the others. I'm still seeing various pest damage. Nothing bad but I found another couples leaves that were chomped on by a four lined plant bug so I'm debating applying something tonight when I water. I'm also noticing old leaves being used up and some interior leaves showing slight deficiencies. It will be time to start nutes soon. I'll update as I go. UPDATE: GOT THE FEELING I NEEDED TO CHECK THE PLANTS. SOMETHING DODNT LOOK RIGHT ON THE CAMS. WENT OVER AND EVERY PLANT BUT THE TWO I SPLIT A GALLON WITH AND THE PLANT IN THE 50 WERE DROOPED RIGHT OVER. LIFELESS. I SHOULD'VE WATERED THIS MORNING BUT I DIDNT HAVE TIME. I FIGURED THEY COULD WAIT UNTIL NIGHT. EACH PLANT GOT 1.5 GALLONS AT LEAST. I USED SIXTEEN OR SEVENTEEN GALLONS ON THE GARDEN. I GAVE EACH CONTAINER PLANT ONE GALLON AND GOT RUN OFF FROM BOTH. IM NOTICING SKIGHT FADING IN LEAVES BUT IM NOT INTRODUCING NUTES TO UNDERWATERED PLANTS. I THINK 10% IS GONNA BE TGE MAGIC NUMBER. 2 GALLONS EACH. EVEN THE 10 GALLON SMART POT. ALMLST AS BIG AS THE 30S BUT DRIES OUT QUICKER. 7/24 Plants looked fantastic this morning. Defoliated a few leaves that needed it. Showed my commercial buddy and he said things looked fantastic. Since the soils still holding nutes and I'm not seeing many deficiencies I may hold off on feeding. I'm starting early flower now. I will be using nutes soon. I think ive got the watering schedule pretty much down.
7/18 Plants are looking great. I was able to rearrange the plants so they have a little bit more space and so I can get around every plant. I have small random pest damage (i.e. I caught a four lined plant bug while hunting jpn beetles) but not enough h to warrant treatment. I will probably spray before flower. Sun's out amd plants were praying. I rotated a couple and it only took a few hours for them to "straighten out." I went to look again rhis morning and made the final determination to expand the cage. I'm looking for the 2x4's and the wire in the next couple days. The work that ive done now will but me sometime. I wonder how this rain impacted my soil. 7/19 Plants are looking fantastic. The stretch is starting. One purple punch looks like it's beginning to flower. I think I'm entering the transition period. Jpn beetle damage is evident but not significant. I defoliated a leaf with a a leafminwr or something in it. It's so much easier to get around the plants now. I'm seeing some chunks missing sporadically though. Went to the roses out back and found TONS of jpn beetleson top of each other reproducing. They destroyed that rose bush. I'm going to keep it as a trap plant. My dad's girlfriend wanted to spray it but that doesn't make sense as theflowers are all gone. Dad's grabbing the materials to extend the cage today I think. Right now I can get around every plant but the two big ones in the back. I just cant get to the backs of them and they are huge. Almost reaching the top of the cage. A 4'-6' extension will do wonders in flower. Can't wait. UPDATE: Dad got the 2x4's and we assembled the extension and attached it. He's grabbing the wire as I type this. This worked out beautifully. I had no idea how big the blueberry cheese in the 50 gallon was! This extension (4ft i think) is PERFECT! Then I can get a little extra wire and pull it out if I wanted to. I think I have another 2x4 that I'm going to use in the middle. Lots of great pics and a video I'll upload tomorrow. Hot af today and humidity still super high. Even the commercial dudes was surprised I don't have wpm l and that judging by some of my plants structure that I may do better than I think. I certainly hope so. I WATERED 3 GALLONS OVER THE WHOLE GARDEN. The blueberry cheese in smart pots were drooping. They drink far more water than tje others. I would've given more but we are supposed to have thunderstorms. I left my back tarp off for the night. It will increase airflow and wind is down. I feel like this is going to be my year. 7/20 I updated and loaded everything on the app but notjing would save. Did it again in the website hopfully this saves i didnt put it all up. Didn't water the plants today. Bags seemed okay weight wise. Good thing I did the extension yesterday because those three plants were drooping they were so thirsty. I focused most of the water yesterday on those plants that needed it. The others were somewhat dry but still had some weight. Like i said the blc drinks much more water than any of the other plants. I'm impressed with the growth I'm seeing. Especially since I have been being very stingy with the water and I've only fed like twice and that was just the kelp me/you and big bloom in negligible amounts. I'm watching for deficiencies. I'm just not seeing them. I'm picking up the wire and finishing the extension and then rearranging things. I'll update. UPDATE: WATERED 4 GALLONS CONCENTRATING ON THE PLANTS THAT WERE DROOPING THE MOST. FINISHED ENCLOSURE AND INCREASED PLANT SPACE. TRELLIS WILL GO UP THIS WEEK. VIDEOS WILL BE UPLOADED TOMORROW. 7/21 I should've watered more volume last night. I noticed two plants that seemed much lighter than the rest. After some deliberation I gave them each a half gallon of water. One was the purple punch in the 10 that's huge amd the other was that huge blueberry cheese. I think I'm going to swap places with them, take out a pallet and get some other way to elevate that ONE plant and I'll have even more room. Then I'll add my supports. It's a dream working in there now. I noticed some small interior leaves being used up and dieing. I defoliated them but it was only a couple. I'll need to start nutes at some point. Doesn't need it yet though. I'm going to add some kelp me/you for the heat stress. I need to get the watering down better but it's more difficult when they each have different needs. I kinda have to read the plant. I'd rather be overwatered than underwatered. I tried to upload what I could but some won't. UPDATE: I went over to clip off some fencing that was doubled up AND just to check on tge girls. Found two caterpillars (small but hairy so they were older not the inch worms and possibly what has been contributing to damage on those plants. Things are spread out so it will be harder for insects to move from plant to plant and I have better air flow. I worry that leaving my tarp off might lead to high winds and plants not able to take it buf I digress. I'll add supports later. Plants are huge and drinking far more water than I've been giving them. When I got there several were drooped right over and dry as a bone. The bags are essentially all roots now. I mixed up 8 gallons of water and split it between the plants. I gave less to the two Co trainer plants that weren't drooping and the 10 I watered yesterday that wasn't drooping but for the most part the ones that needed if got at least a gallon or more. The others a little under a gallon. It might rain A LITTLE tonight too. Oh, and since it's been so hot I added 1/2 tsp per gallon of kelp me kelp you to help the plants deal with heat stress. I also noticed that some of the very bottom interior leaves are being used up. I have a feeling ill need to switch to nutes pretty soon. Plus I need to suppirt those plants if I'm going to leave that tarp off and Gove them air. Took a video. But it won't upload here. I'll have to wait till tomm. 7/22 Didn't have much timevthis morning bit I dod a video. Boy those plants loved that water and that kelp. This morning everyone was standing straight up at attention. Supposed to get rain last night but didn't. Good thing I watered. I think I'm going to up the water next watering and then again to the 10% mark if necessary. Especially with the Blueberry cheeses. I'm noticing that a FEW INTERIOR leaves are showing nute deficiencies so I'm probably going to have to start feeding soon. I'll update later. UPDATE: Went back over and cut off the extra wire. I'm going to need to water more volume. Specifically on two plants. The two huge blueberry cheese in 20 gallon smart bags dries out much faster than the rest. I'll have to out that on a different schedule or increase the amount given. Next watering will be 1.5 or 2 gallons a plant and it might be tomorrow from what I was seeing. It's super hot and with the added airflow the bags dry out faster. I also went through EACH plant looking for pests and defoliating old leaves that needed it. Plants are still nice and green but a VERY few older interior leaves are showing deficiencies. I know this is Normal especially since they are trying n g to transition to flower. I also saw pest damage on a couple plants. Four lined plant bug. I already found the one on the other plant and killed it but I'm considering doing a spray before flower. I'm thinking either captain Jack as a "catch all", BT which works great but mostly just on pillars or the organocide bee safe 3 in one pesticide. I also have pyrethium and other things. Thus far picking things off manually has been good enough. At the very least they will get an application of BT very soon. 7/23 Held off on watering this morning. Supposed to get thunder storms I DID split a gallon with two blueberry cheese that were the lightest in the 20 gallon smart pots. Thet drink way more. My water volume is going to need to increase. We haven't had nearly enough rain. I'm going to bump it up to 1.5 to 2 gallons each plant which will be 10% for the 20s and a little less for the others. I'm still seeing various pest damage. Nothing bad but I found another couples leaves that were chomped on by a four lined plant bug so I'm debating applying something tonight when I water. I'm also noticing old leaves being used up and some interior leaves showing slight deficiencies. It will be time to start nutes soon. I'll update as I go. UPDATE: GOT THE FEELING I NEEDED TO CHECK THE PLANTS. SOMETHING DODNT LOOK RIGHT ON THE CAMS. WENT OVER AND EVERY PLANT BUT THE TWO I SPLIT A GALLON WITH AND THE PLANT IN THE 50 WERE DROOPED RIGHT OVER. LIFELESS. I SHOULD'VE WATERED THIS MORNING BUT I DIDNT HAVE TIME. I FIGURED THEY COULD WAIT UNTIL NIGHT. EACH PLANT GOT 1.5 GALLONS AT LEAST. I USED SIXTEEN OR SEVENTEEN GALLONS ON THE GARDEN. I GAVE EACH CONTAINER PLANT ONE GALLON AND GOT RUN OFF FROM BOTH. IM NOTICING SKIGHT FADING IN LEAVES BUT IM NOT INTRODUCING NUTES TO UNDERWATERED PLANTS. I THINK 10% IS GONNA BE TGE MAGIC NUMBER. 2 GALLONS EACH. EVEN THE 10 GALLON SMART POT. ALMLST AS BIG AS THE 30S BUT DRIES OUT QUICKER. 7/24 Plants looked fantastic this morning. Defoliated a few leaves that needed it. Showed my commercial buddy and he said things looked fantastic. Since the soils still holding nutes and I'm not seeing many deficiencies I may hold off on feeding. I'm starting early flower now. I will be using nutes soon. I think ive got the watering schedule pretty much down.
Welcome to my Epic Buzz Diary sponsored my Anesia Seeds. Bit of lag in a few of my diaries. Apologise to the followers. Swapped atm. Veg Days 4-23 Days 8-28 3 weeks Plant grew really well. Really fast out the gate. Done a repeat of the hard Defoliation method used in my Ztrawberry to see can I replicate that even strong node growth. This was the 1st of very high stress defoliations that will be done. Y, well I wanna see how hardy these genes are. And how they respond to various stress factors. So, my 1st hard defol was done at the end of wk 3. I removed all the fan leafs and left the small nodes to fend for themselves in the hopes it would actually push an even node growth, instead of older bigger fan leafs drawing in more energy and therefore making bigger nodes. You may think she is small. But, look at it from the point of them just been nodes and no big ass fan leafs that make your plant look twice the size it really is. So, stripped her bare. And let her run, and oh boy she did. Lovely node growth. Very well defined. Explosive growth from about 5 days into the hard defol she took off like a bat outta hell. Really took off coming into wk 4. Sadly, this is where the good times kinda stop.. Next wk, its all down kill, hit with a serve Sulphur issue. That came on with hrs and looked like a wk old issue. The response time from growing in co2 is so quick. The plant is finding it hard to show symptoms like a normal grow, where you'd see a gradual illness occur. But, this way. You really have to be on the ball. Its definitely not something I'd recommend doing until you get a few grows under you. The slightest oversight will throw her into a tail spin. Feel free to message me if you're interested in using co2. I'm by far no expert but, I know a fair about of head knowledge and hopefully soon experiences in it also and fixes etc. Methods Will be using my hard defoliation techniques to push this girl to making nice strong nodes, hopefully, that's the idea. Thus far. Its been going to plan. I've achieved a really good solid base, to build heavy buds on. Soon I'll start to tackle some sort of shape. I had to do a repair to a snapped node. Was literally hanging on by a very thin bit. Recovered strong and has set. I might now HST the otherside to counter the energy that this side will have more of now. As when you HST break a stem and it repairs the stem itself hardens up, storing more energy/fluids and helps direct it better up through the full filled nodes, so they're not like straws. So, the broken side will act like it's been HST'ed now. So, only makes sense to do the other side to keep a somewhat even energy distribution Thanks to my followers and sponsors from Anesia Seeds & Spider-Farmer. Without you (my followers/viewers I couldn't do any of this, nor would I be or have all I do without my sponsors. So, a big thank you from GGST. Look forward to seen your work. Either way, thanks for stopping by.
ladies and gentlemen Welcome to peaky house gardens This week we will dedicate it as always to cleaning the soil and discharging fertilizers into it Inviting looking plant...solid, glued flowers 😎 Ready in no time 👩🏼 🌾