Welcome to my Epic Buzz Diary sponsored my Anesia Seeds.
Bit of lag in a few of my diaries. Apologise to the followers. Swapped atm.
Veg Days 4-23 Days 8-28 3 weeks
Plant grew really well. Really fast out the gate. Done a repeat of the hard Defoliation method used in my Ztrawberry to see can I replicate that even strong node growth. This was the 1st of very high stress defoliations that will be done. Y, well I wanna see how hardy these genes are. And how they respond to various stress factors. So, my 1st hard defol was done at the end of wk 3. I removed all the fan leafs and left the small nodes to fend for themselves in the hopes it would actually push an even node growth, instead of older bigger fan leafs drawing in more energy and therefore making bigger nodes. You may think she is small. But, look at it from the point of them just been nodes and no big ass fan leafs that make your plant look twice the size it really is. So, stripped her bare. And let her run, and oh boy she did. Lovely node growth. Very well defined.
Explosive growth from about 5 days into the hard defol she took off like a bat outta hell. Really took off coming into wk 4.
Sadly, this is where the good times kinda stop.. Next wk, its all down kill, hit with a serve Sulphur issue. That came on with hrs and looked like a wk old issue. The response time from growing in co2 is so quick. The plant is finding it hard to show symptoms like a normal grow, where you'd see a gradual illness occur. But, this way. You really have to be on the ball. Its definitely not something I'd recommend doing until you get a few grows under you. The slightest oversight will throw her into a tail spin. Feel free to message me if you're interested in using co2. I'm by far no expert but, I know a fair about of head knowledge and hopefully soon experiences in it also and fixes etc.
Will be using my hard defoliation techniques to push this girl to making nice strong nodes, hopefully, that's the idea. Thus far. Its been going to plan. I've achieved a really good solid base, to build heavy buds on. Soon I'll start to tackle some sort of shape. I had to do a repair to a snapped node. Was literally hanging on by a very thin bit. Recovered strong and has set. I might now HST the otherside to counter the energy that this side will have more of now. As when you HST break a stem and it repairs the stem itself hardens up, storing more energy/fluids and helps direct it better up through the full filled nodes, so they're not like straws. So, the broken side will act like it's been HST'ed now. So, only makes sense to do the other side to keep a somewhat even energy distribution
Thanks to my followers and sponsors from Anesia Seeds & Spider-Farmer. Without you (my followers/viewers I couldn't do any of this, nor would I be or have all I do without my sponsors. So, a big thank you from GGST. Look forward to seen your work. Either way, thanks for stopping by.