9/3 Shook the plants off this morning and took a few pics and did a video. Let's see if it uploads. Plants are doing good. Toasted toffy is due for another plant doctor application tonight. It seems like I'm losing lots of leaves. Looking back on my other diaries I guess it's normal. BUT I could've had pest/pathogen problems then. I'm over thinking it. Toasted toffy only needs a few more weeks. It will definitely outvrun the disease. The nugs are super dense too. The plant in the 50 is loosing leaves faster than I'd like. It is also one of the furthest along. The big leaves that turn yellow look like it's a calcium/magnesium issue. The stalk and branches are all bright green and healthy looking. So are the flowers. It could be something below the soil. I couldve been overwatering but last time I waited until it drooped. It will be fine though. I'm happy with my results so far. Not my best or biggest year but I'm going to put in the work and Mae these plants produce the best quality cannabis that im able too. Also I think plant doctor may kill insects. K bicarb with dawn does too. I've found a few dead bugs like flies and pillars. Pillars actually seem to be gone. Not many moths either. Unless I see them I'm not going to treat them for it. This is that magical time where you get to watch the plant produce those beautiful flowers. Despite some small problems I'm very grateful for what I have. I've worked hard for it. 9/4 Watered everything but the sherb pie which was still heavy with leaves yellowing. It's tied for the furthest behind in flower with the seed in the 10. I treated the toasted toffy with 1/4 gallon (4tsp/gallon) of plant doctor. I avoided flowers as much as possible and tried to just get a few leaves. I used the rest on the soil. I just wanted it to absorb a little faster. That's why I sprayed the foliage. It's not 4 days it's 14 days when tje plant doctor just leaves behind a bunch of potassium and phosphorus after it's done its job. Can't be used in a 14 day interval with copper and I think that's what treats septoria best. I dontvknow if I can use that in flower. Doesn't really matter. Things are looking good. Plant Doctor and the K bicarb seem to be doing there job effectively as long as i stick to the application times. I made a short video but didn't upload. I'll try again but I may have some medical emergencies that need to be dealt with. If not I should defoliate and tie down some event horizon branches. I thought about treating the other event horizon as well. I'm not positive it has septoria but it wouldn't hurt anything to be practice. It AT LEAST has a couple suspucuous spots. I smelled a skunk as soon as I got out of my car. It can't get in my grow but I might put out traps to catch it. We'll see how it goes. Video seems to be uploading. It's at 31% so I'll wait for it. I think I've got like four or five weeks on my toasted toffy and one event horizon and the one in the 50 that I THINK is red runtz. That's good that I'll have different plants to harvest at different times. It's seeds from here on out though. It was hard to find info on some of the strains I'm growing but they all have ONE thing in common. They are EXOTIC and they are at least MODERATELY DIFFICULT to grow. AT LEAST lol. Last year I picked the right seefs and strains and it greatly helped. Still, if these are difficult strains to grow, then I'm doing a good job. EDIT: I WAS STONED BUT IM PRETTY SURE I TREATED THE PLANT IN THE 50 WITH PLANT DOCTOR. DIDNT SPRAY BUDS. TRIED TO GET THE LEAVES THEN USED THE REST ON THE SOIL. I REMEMBER BECAUSE A STREAM ACCIDENTLY HIT A COUPLE LEAVES ON THE HUGE PLANT IN THE 10. 9/5 Sherb Pie was light and drooping. It's not to far in flower and still seemed moist yesterday with a little bit of weight. I watered it a gallon. I defoliated a little but I need to go through that plant. I have a bunch of plants that need a little work. The 50 gal seed is losing lots of leaves. I must not be feeding it enough, overwatering or maybe theres some sort of lock out. The plant looks nice and healthy. Leaves just turn yellow and die. Looked like a calcium or magnesium deficiency but i saw a septoria spot. I wouldn't think I've over feed or locked out using the small amounts of nutes I've used. It will be time to feed again soon. It's in the middle of flowering and still has leaves. I'm hoping things work out. I just have an anxiety disorder and worry too much. I'm GOING To have a great harve! I just need to keep moving forward and putting in the work.
It was my first grow and I really screwed it up a lot, but it resisted all my beginner mistakes, pests, stress, being without irrigation, irrigation without measuring PH, revegetation, etc. I love her, really, in love with this strain. It is a genetics with a very relaxing effect, recommended for those who cannot sleep at night. shoutout for trimix, very good prices for begginers> https://www.trimix-pro.com/
I was seeing that this genetics has a problem with the leaves, it has white spots and leaves with a quite peculiar development. There is no plague in the indoor and the conditions I think are the right ones the euphoria is better now, more steady, I gave her 2 ml of bioheaven, 1 ml of biogrow and 5 ml of trimix pro.
I found this seed in bud that I harvested from my Barney's Liberty Haze plant. It was grown in my grow room and you can see my GrowDiary log of that plant. I am not sure exactly how I ended up with seeds... maybe there was light or temperature stress which resulted in a herm. In any case, I decided to grow this seed as a fun experiment. I didn't even know if the seed would germinate... but it grew just FINE. I didn't top it, or give it any special treatment. I guess you could say she grew 'native' or 'au natural.' I have never grown outside before, but I had space in the garden, and the seedling looked healthy, so I hardened her off and popped her into the dirt. She ended up going into a huge monster of a plant. Standing over 9 feet tall I had to laugh out loud each time I climbed the ladder to inspect her top cola LOL. I had so much fun growing this plant. I called her Majestic Haze (we live on Majestic Drive) because I'm not sure if Barney's would want me calling her Liberty Haze. I can't verify the genetics for sure :) I wonder how plant breeders handle those kinds of things??... This bud is fun for parties and conversation. It starts out with an energetic vibe and then settles into a relaxed chill stoned feeling. We vaped our dried bud, and then we tried some of our hand rolled hash... then we settled in for the night. Woke up a sit high still LOL but it's Saturday and we don't need to go anywhere so it's all good LOL... This one is the bud of choice for house parties and silly Netflix watching. PS if you haven't see The Good Place... you need to get stoned and watch it. The total dried weight of bud from this plant was just under one pound @ 310g and we also ended up with around 120 g of frosty trim. We also rolled up about a gram of hash which has some serious kick :)
next time i wont Veg under fluorescent lights, needs more power from the start for bigger stem and root system, i cant complain by the end result lol
A good week this week. No issues to report and with the cooler temps outside the RH has been easy to control. All 4 plants are now budding and the white rino is looking well on its way. The sour jack is producing a lot of pistils and starting to plump out. As for the 2 autos the lemon skunk is producing small but tight buds with a strong lemon smell. The quarter pound is now starting to bulk up as the bud were big but airy. Id say about half way maybe more for the autos and another 6-8 for the 2 photos until harvest time.
So far I've done some LST to get some underbranching to shoot up and grow. Seems to be working. They've got some light feedings of Liquid Seaweed, Molasses, and URB. I've learned you have to feed light on this girl.
So this plant is the slowest growing of all my plants. It's received all the same feedings and nuets my other plants have, but just refuses to actually grow. lol It's bushed out and kind of quit growing. I'm going to keep it around and hope it snaps out of it, I'm not in a huge rush anyways. It got a feeding of liquid seaweed, black strap molasses, and some URB in R/O water this past week. Just kind of plan to keep it off to the side and let it do it's thing.
This plant has CRAZY stacking on it. It hasn't grown up as much as it has branched out. This is a strain I'm growing to treat symptoms of MS, so with the stacking it may turn into a mom plant for cloning, but we'll see. It's received some feedings of liquid seaweed, black strap molasses, and URB in R/O water.
It's the 4th week of Flower!! I've gotta say, counting weeks is tough and I always get it mixed up. 0-7 days is 1 week. So this is week 4, days 21-28. I do some reason feel like the 28th day should be the start of week 4 but it doesn't work that way...idk sorry bout the rant! This week I wont do a day by day as nothing has happened per those days. Except for Thursday. Day 27 of flower. Every Thursday we water in the Teas and recharge. I also, lollipopped her this week and removed some of the larger fan leaves. CMOG is the heaviest plant as it is and some great spacing between buds ensure hood light penetration. She is getting super stinky and frosty too!! Cannot wait for 1 more week for her to really pop!!
The Green Gelato has been a great success although i have been using this time as a bit of experiment the results are clear. While i have two plants that are ready for harvest both are looking extremely tasty, the third one in the smallest pot although it has huge top colas i would say its at least another week if not two away from being ready to harvest. I am now flushing these through ready for a great smoke. Thank you to everyone who has liked this diary fingers crossed next post will be results and review. 😌
I had suspected that these wonderful young ladies would require more time to reach peak Harvest and i was correct. Allowing these the extra week has allowed for some excellent weight gain and additionally allowing for more Trics to form and start to change color. Using my mag glass i have determined that now is the time to start my pre harvest. I have removed some of the larger leaves allowing for more light to penetrate lower down the plant, this has now allowed the lower nugs to finish of and bulk up the best they can. I feel the Harvest of the Purple Queen is imminent however finding the right moment will be more tricky. As this is the last Flowering week update i will be posting on this Strain. I would just like to say a big thank you for everyone who has been following and adding likes along the way. The next post will be the Harvest post which i will update once this has been completed along with my results, Weights and most importantly the review. Happy Growing 😇
Sorry guys 🤦‍♂️🏾 I do have a daytime job/career and due to a busy few weeks, updating this didn’t make my list of priorities. However, maintaining my babies did and I am happy to say that although you had to wait it was not for nothing as this lady is looking lovely and actually going in to Week 11. I will start back updating and posting. I do have pictures from prior weeks and they will be posted to my IG. Thanks for following and keep growing !