June 15: going good and will do second round of topping tomorrow. Adjusted tie downs.
June 16: adjusted tie downs and watered with soluble seaweed extract and a bit of Epsom salts.
June 17: topped this morning leaving four bud sites on each side. Leave first and third node growth tips, but remove them at the second node. This will now be 8 colas, but I’ll top once more for 16.
June 18: adjusted tie downs and did foliar spray of Extreme Blend in the evening.
June 20: released tie down in the morning.
Started the second batch of compost tea. Video shows the recipe I started using last year. Leave overnight and use within 24 hours. It should smell fresh, and if it smells ‘off’ or sulphurous it’s gone anaerobic and should be thrown out.
Use whatever you want in your compost tea recipe. Key things are blackstrap molasses (sugar and trace metals), some fresh compost, and I use coco coir to provide a substrate or matrix for the bacteria to grow on. Seems to work.