Week 1
TF and MS
Feed HydroSol: Increased to 8ml/5L
TF and MS
Light Increased: 313watts
DLi: 35
Rapid Growth has started again.
Feed Increased: HydroSol 10ml/5L
HP 12%: 1ml/5L
Uploaded today's pictures and yesterday's for comparison on how HydroSol is doing?
I topped MS. Hopefully by doing this now TF will catch up but that's not why I topped her. She's known for being bushy; so will be good to bring her up to her second level before branching. Giving the rate she is growing; we haven't to worry about stunting Growth.
H202 is also know to to cause mutations at high levels. I tried to start this diary with HP 12% from seed and it worked until micro-organisms in the air and water; what distillation has missed the "vocs" the cardon didn't catch. Caused them to later on because of free radicals and this is why high levels of HP can cause mutations and cancer when it steals atoms by ripping them apart. "Call the bomb swaddles" when mixed correctly or 'incorrectly 💣 lol
28th Today
Little VT of the 5L jerry can starter pots (DiY)
I think this process is allowing for optimization of Air/feed pks.
I'm at least 2-3weeks ahead from a normal grow because of this style growing.
I know, I know, I lost 3weeks from the first failed attempts. But it's okay 👍 I'm okay with that. Now I know and it's logged in the dairy for future reference I can quickly glance over before I start another one. Like hey 👋 "Time is valuable, read ya diaries" honestly, I don't have dementia i have human forgetfulness/error.
Its still in the experimentental phase.
Took tf out the propagator
Nothing much to see
I've did everything for TF and still looking droopy. Exactly the same as MS.
I think she'll grow out of it!
I know, I know what ya thinking, it looks like spider mites on MS only leaf but honestly I think its of the h202. I deffolled her only leaf. Sprayed it with h202 and no reactions happen. No mites.
The Future TF is looking much more lively.
Oh well. No speed-run this time round!
I shouldn't of took 4wks off from growing. Rhythmic nature of thing and getting in the swing off it. It's easy to do but I am always in two minds with everything I do. I can't help but cause "Self sabotage' every time I get to ahead of myself, by running my mouth 💯 blah blah blah; always beside myself.
Aye' they say "God is next to Cleanliness" if that's true it'll be impossible for me to be beside myself haha 😄
Its all fun and games 🎮 🙃
Light Increased: 560watts (max) for this power supply. I disconnected the 1200watts one for each light is 600watts. It's currently half-power with 600watts max for two lights at 300watts each. Better than having mishaps with the full power supply 1200 being turned up accidently say in a not ventilated enough little tent. I'd rather pass on that anxiety 🙃
Plants: Under jerry cans with dli at 20.
This should by dinfintion let them gather themselves for 3days; while the sun is blazing outside the can. Even though I could lower the light. I think the high light intensity outside the cans the plants know.
Midday VT
MS looks likes shes a clone 😳 👀 but she ain't!
One day I will get these protocols right. But atm ; atlas, it's all in jest n fun!
MS defiantly looks like a clone but she's not; i have taken pictures since she hatched everyday
Freaky Pablo and The future 2 germinated
Sprayed with weak solution of Hydroclonic Acid + h202 very mild.
Now the fun begins!