Week 3 : Mr.B's Colorado Cookies
They've been growing at a vigorous pace, seemed to like a nice top off of light mix, stem is growing thicker and leaves are getting pushed out of the fourth node. Soil is a bit cold right now, temperature and humidity are a bit cold too but at 0.7-0.9 VPD so far these young seedlings are doing well , i'd say. Fed with aloe and my own cal mag , ph'ed a bit much to 5.5 , but i poured it on anyway, that's the ph of rain water so... going to get a spray tomorrow of kelp and calmag at sunset twice this week, still spraying the soil with amino, quite happy with how my room is set up. all i can say, is for now i'm liking the indica leaves and i'm looking forward to some lst 🚀 against my better judgement i went with a 90° bend and some LST on the leaves to get it real low and expose all the in between parts to the light, the plant is oriented parrallel to the wall. 🚀